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Thu, 08/31/2023 - 02:35

Wow! I haven't been here in a long while. I am going to Italy for three weeks in October. I will be visiting my grandparent's birthplace in Taranta Peligna, Chieti, Abruzzo. I will be driving for the first time from Rome to Abruzzo. I am a bit apprehensive about all there is to learn about driving in Italy, but I am doing my homework. A few nights in Rome, four nights in Taranta, six nights somewhere in Tuscany, a few nights in Venice and winding up with a few nights in Milan from where I will fly back to the States. Any and all suggestions are most welcome.

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 05:16

This is a great forum. I am grateful to be learning so much from all of you about what I can expect when living in Italy. By chance, do any of you know any DePasquales' in Basilicata? My grandmother, Rosina Delano DePasquale was born in Vietri di Potenza, Potenza, Basilicata, around 1895. Her siblings were Nicolina DePasquale, Vincenzina DePasquale and Luigi DePasquale. Her parents were Matteo DePasquale and Maria Lucia Noschese. Rosina, Nicolina, and Vincenzina raised there families in Yonkers, New York. Luigi settled in Milwaukie, Wisconsin. I've been reading about the taxes there, and wondering how the tax rate differs for non citizens, and those with dual citizenship. I am currently researching dual citizenship for myself. Vi auguro tutto ciò che è buono nella vita, Ron (Roland) Merlino