User Activity
Ugo replied to a question: Very affordable property for sale in Umbria with: "Affordable , prices, and phtos"
Ugo replied to a question: Very affordable property for sale in Umbria with: "history box"
Ugo replied to a question: Milk Machine in Amandola with: "Flip,"
Ugo replied to a question: Italian tax with: "interpretation"
Ugo replied to a question: VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE - TRANSFERT MONEY TO AN ITALIAN BANK ACCOUNT with: "little explain in english .."
Ugo replied to a question: Hi, I was wondering if anyone could with: "Hi Lisa , The opinions do not"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi, We are considering purchasing a with: "some neighbors will be so"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi can anyone give me names of with: "See> http://www"
Ugo replied to a question: English Caravan For Sale.We are selling with: "1993 .... only 22 years ? ..."
Ugo replied to a question: EU in/out Referendum. Many British with: "it is natural to ask oneself "