English Caravan For Sale.We are selling

05/11/2015 - 04:33

English Caravan For Sale.We are selling our english caravan. It is a 5 Birth, 1993 Fleetwood Crystal 165-5. Excellent Condition and well loved.We lived in the caravan while we buit our house in Frosinone and we not no longer need it. It is in excellent condition with no damp and would make a wonderful home or touring caravan.Please message me for futher details  



HiI wondered if you would be kind enough to offer some advise. I to am selling my english caravan in Italy and am not sure what I need to do tosell it. I have someone interestedin it but he is Italian and has never bought one before. Do you know what documentation is needed and if we have to legally do anything with it having english electrical wiring. It is a 2011 Adria. I have tried to look into it but am struggling to find understandable info.Thank you for your time and I hope you were successful with your sale.Regards Ann  

Hi Ann,I am afraid I am not much use as the honest answer is I don’t know. I have someone interested in buying the caravan who is trying to go through the ACI to sort it out and get it transferred into his name. As you can imagine this is a slow process and we are not certain it will work. From what I understand caravans are registered in Italy in a very similar way to a car unlike the UK. I think this can be done but I think it is quite expensive.Sorry I can’t be of more help and all the best will selling yourKind RegardsSarah

In reply to by sbuckley22

Thanks SarahIf I do get any useful info or tips I will pass them on to you.Good luck and lovely to connect with you xx 

In reply to by sbuckley22

Hi Sarah I just wondered if you were able to sell your english caravan to an Italian. I know it was taking a while but I just wondered if it was able to be transfered.Kind regardsAnn

Hello Liza and thanks. This could be good for both of us.We can chat about a price if you wish it would be around the £9-10K depending on and arrangements and details for delivery etc. Where abouts are you in Spain?Sorry no we never needed an awning.If you want to chat perhaps we can chat on SKYPE or email?We can take some uptodate videos and photos should you be interested this weekend.Do you own your property or wish to Sublet? We are thinking of travelling so perhaps we could do a winter let for a month or two?Have you been wardens before? Sounds good and I wish you look either way!Thanks again Ann.

Hi AnnAm sorry but your caravan is way over priced hhave just been looking on eBay and caravans that are newer than yours are a lot cheaper and in as good a condition So am sorry but yours is way out of our budget thank you for your time anyway  

Hi Again,Thanks.I'm unaware of any similar Caravan that would come close to this 9-10k price tag. The van is in fine condition and it's an Adria Adora 2011 model. I'm not certain but you may not be comparing with the model I have or are possibly looking at a different caravan. Good luck finding one and with your new jobs as wardens. Love Ann.  

Hello, I have the 1995 Fleetwood caravan for sale. I have someone who is interested and hopes to buy but of they don't I can let you know Kind RegardsSarah

We are looking to work around the Rome area as we think that will be the best opportunity for us, we do not want to live in Rome so we shall be looking on the outskirts, we are planning a trip at the end of November/ December,, do you think this is a good idea to come then or shall we leave it to maybe March next year what are your thoughts thanks