10 Things You Can Do in Venice, For Free!

#1 Go to Ponte della Canonica to admire the Ponte dei Sospiri, Bridge of Sighs, with Ponte della Paglia on the background and imagine Casanova looking through the windows before being taken to his prison cell.

#2 Visit the <a style="color:yellow” href="http://www.museodellamusica.com/museo-della-musica.php">Museo della Musica</a> in San Maurizio's church. A small museum dedicated to violin making, an art for which Venice was really famous for.

#3 Tour the Campi, the city many squares. From Campo San Polo to Campo Santa Margherita, from Campo San Barnaba to Campo Manin, this is a great way to explore the city.

#4 Go jogging at Sant'Elena Gardens with an amazing view over the lagoon and San George Island

#5 Wander around Rialto Market, Venice's top fish and produce market for about 1000 years, the perfect way to experience the pulse of the city where the locals meet to shop and chat.

#6 <a style="color:yellow” href="https://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/even-gondolas-need-some-love">Even gondolas need some love!</a> So go to Squero San Trovaso, the oldest gondola building yard to watch the maestri take good care of them

#7 Pass from Calle Varisco, the narrowest street in Venice, which is 20.5" (52 cm) wide at shoulder height.

#8 Stand near the gondolas on one of the docks on Riva degli Schiavoni and watch the sun disappearing behind Punta della Dogana and Santa Maria della Salute church

#9 On a summer tuesday night, venture on the dance floor in Campo San Giacomo dall'Orio and join the locals for a tango

#10 Believe it or not, you can have San Mark's Square to yourself, just make a point of going late at night when all the other tourists are back on their cruise ships
Venice is a unique, incredible city, but most visitors just scratch the surface missing out on so many interesting experiences the city has to offer. While some people think of Venice as a crowded, expensive tourist destination, we created a list of things to do in La Serenissima to show you it is possible to have the city to yourself, for free!
Like with our list of things you can do in Florence for free, keeping the list to just ten ideas was not easy as we continued to come up with more places to see and experiences to try. So we might soon share a new list with you.
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our list and let us know what you would suggest in the next one.
Top 10 Free Things
Travel Tips