Birth certificate translation

Barry Image
09/22/2009 - 12:15

 As you all know by now when your PDS expires you will have to replace it with the new "attestato di soggiorno permanente" for those of you who have not seen the form yet, in addition  to other documents, you will need your birth certificate translated into Italian. "Certificato di nascita tradotto e lagalizzato in lingua italiana" (from the form) There is a lawyer in Anzio, his name is , Stefano Bertollini, he is very good, and I can recommend him.If you would like to contact him his e-mail is;     or telephone his office on; 069806740



Thanks for that Penny, I suppose it's just another example of this crazy but fantastic country we live in.

 Any translator can do a traduzione giurata of a document and have it stamped at the Tribunale.  Its not necessary to go to a lawyer and pay lawyers bills.  Obviously a translator registered at the CCIAA is better, but not always necessary. 

 Ram is right,Legal translations can be "giurati" by anyone, a part from the direct implicated party himself.All you need to do is to take a copy of the original and the translation to the "Cancelleria" in your nearest Tribunale and fill in the form where you swear that the translation corresponds to the original. It costs a "marca da bollo" (14,65 €, I think it is) for every 4 pages.Legalizzazione is needed if the translation has to go abroad, the "Apostille" is also put on by the Tribunale. In fact this is just a confirmation of the Cancelleria's signature. I don't remember if it also requires a "marca da bollo", it has been some time since I went last time.I am a sworn translator, that means registered with the Tribunale in Pescara, but there is no law saying that only registered translators can "giurare". But what often happens is that notary offices and lawyers prefer sworn translators during rogito and contract signing (but I don't think it is a must here either).Being registered at the CCIAA has no importance in these cases, but f.x. the Tribunale in Pescare only accepts registrations from translators who are already registered at the CCIAA, so for me it was a necessary step also registering with the CCIAA.Then the funny part is, that every Tribunale in Italy has their own registration requirements, so...In real life, what often happens is that I may do the translation sending it back by email, while the agency/client who comitted the job will do the "giuramento" in their own tribunale, this way you avoid sending documents back and forth by snail mail with the risk that they may get lost.    

For my residency application they want everything translated and Apostille - which the British Consul in Milano told me had to be done by the FCO in London. The lady dealing with my application showed me on a listing that this was absolutely required, until her equivalent in the neighbouring comune (who was helping with some translation) said a Consular Declaration will be OK. So my lady has now agreed and we can do it in Milano, while we wait, and at much lower cost.It really does seem like you need to show up and argue the toss, and that nothing is necessarily cast in stone.

In reply to by SirTK

The apostille is a service provided by the FCO but it is NOT in London (unless you are a business cusotmer and are prepared to pay for a perium sevice).The office is in Milton Keynes and provides a counter service.  Very straightforward and quick (according to my husband who travelled down by train from manchester, got it done and came back in 6 hours).  You can send them off if you are not in a hurry.More info from the FCO website everything needs to be Apostilled - we only needed it for some litigation, everything else just needed notarising (you can find noraties in yellow pages)Chris

We'll be moving to Italy next year and applying for residency.  At the moment, we live quite near the Italian Vice-Consulate in Bedford.  I'm wondering:

  1. Would I be wise to take our documents there ahead of the move and get them translated?  (If they will do translations there.)
  2. And other than birth certificates, what other documents are required?
