testing images

05/18/2009 - 04:37

testing image upload facility


In reply to by Ronald

I created a photo album today as a test and tried to add to it this evening. I didn't seem to be able to attach new photo's to the existing album so decided to create a new one. After uploading the pictures I attemped to save them and kept getting the following message.Total filesize for Images, 3.22 MB, exceeds field settings of 2 MB.Unless I am misunderstanding something, it states that you can upload up to ten images and to try to keep them under 1mb each. Surely ten images at around 1mb each equals around 10mb. My six photos were all well under 1mb so what does the above mean and what are the actual limits?Thanking you in advance.

Hi, you are right - but the settings were wrong. I just fixed it - the total size of a gallery is 20MB while each image can be a max of 2MB. Before both the total size of gallery and max per image size were set at 2mb - not really a realistic scenario  Best, Ronald 

In reply to by Ronald

Any chance of having more than 10 pics in an album if they add up to less than 20mb? I am trying to copy over Sully's Pups but have to keep making separate albums. Thanks.

I've just posted some photos - but when I click on them I can't get them to enlarge the way Iritalia and Gromit's do-What do I need to do ? As the 1st photo is kinda pointless unless you can read the blackboard :) CheersJinty  

In theory, you should now be able to upload a YouTube film through the editor (and hence have it in comments as well)Let's see:  

...breathes a sigh of relief for insiting to mess with things live.to insert a YouTube film click on the film icon on the left of the smilies. The just insert the link to the YouTube page.  

Hit F5 or Ctr-R to refresh your browser and the message should stop popping up. To insert the film you need to click on the tiny flim icon to the left of the smilies on the toolbar above (not just paste the link in the text area. 

Okay I will give this another go as last night inserting a Youtube video didn't work for me.   Well this time something is inserted - a rectangle with Flash icon but no video  .....