More news..

11/14/2009 - 13:47

Just an update on the health situation. We have received our written responses from ASUR 13 and Charlotte is very kindly looking at these for us so watch this space.The other news is that the comuni that now fall under the new province of Fermo will definitely be moving to ASUR11 (Fermo) which might change things for us Amandolese. This was definitely not on the cards until this week as it had been blocked by various mayors and others who have now been overruled.It is likely the hospital in Amandola will also fall under Fermo but that is a matter of some ongoing debate and argument.


Less obstructive hopefully! Ascoli are perfectly aware of the rules but have decided to ignore them.Do you guys have your permannet residency/permanent inscription to the health service?

Been here since Feb 2006, Penny,so a way to go. yet. But have now got my E121 so another trip to Fermo. And dealing with the UK pensions service from abroad has not been easy, and as for the Inland Revenue, another phone call this morning I think.A

Ahhh. It is not until you hit 5 years and your permesso expires that you'll hit a probem (or not, hopefully).  I did hear on the grapevine over the weekend that the particularly obstructive person who created this rule excluding us is likely to be voted out of their  job shortly. We live in hope!!