New Post

01/04/2010 - 08:07

Jenta A post test as requested.


Thank you for doing this Badger. It obviously works for you so that proves the problem lies with me and others who haven't got the hang of things. Back to the drawing board.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Jenta. When you click on new content and then insert the subject, unless you specify for any group, then it will be public (you do not have to specify anything in that section ) Then add any tags that are related to what you are posting and then move into the text box. After that, you should just be able to post the whole thing. Hope this helps.

  Thank you, Badger, for taking the time to explain things. I have tried again following the steps you describe but it still wont let me type anything in the post body area. I didn’t bother posting it because I don’t think people would appreciate a load of empty test postings.   Perhaps Jenta is right and only people who have been here for a certain length of time or participated a certain amount are allowed to post a new topic. I hope my ‘reply to empty post’ method hasn’t broken any rules.   I’ll leave the subject now because it’s getting a bit boring and I’m feeling like an outcast. :(

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

  "I’ll leave the subject now because it’s getting a bit boring and I’m feeling like an outcast. :(" Send a PM to Ronald - thats probably the quickest way to get it sorted

Hi Tandy, I'm sorry you still encounter problems when trying to post. Anyway all new members are allowed to post since they become a community member. Badger, you couldn't explain it clearer. Your help is greatly appreciated.