
01/12/2010 - 10:33

OK - I am not enjoying the earthquakes now. Very unsettling. 6th one today (apparently) and the last one was a very strong 4. They are all around Mogliano & Loro Piceno. Are they bothering anyone else more since Aquila?



 Hope you are all OK Penny......Nothing over this side of the Appennines; thank God... Thought I felt something the other day (heard the swooshing noise ) thought it was a large truck going through the village though, maybe not..

 Yes Penny, not nice, lots varying from 2 - 4.1 since Sunday....Scary as so many in short space of time.....Hope things settle down asap......

In reply to by Dylano

Yes we have had several tremors today; and also last week. House shaking, etc, no damage, just waiting for the big one now !!!!!!!!!!

Yes..............quite bad damage at our house here in Penna san Giovanni, but would like them to go away now ! Looking back, since December, there have certainly been a few (EIGHT today alone) ........4.1 the biggest. I thought that the one earlier (9.25 ish) 4.0...... was a scary one! Keep safe everyone S 2010-01-12   14:04:40.043.13 N  13.43 E  20ML2.5 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 14:16 2010-01-12   13:35:45.043.19 N  13.46 E  10ML4.1 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 13:55 2010-01-12   11:40:39.043.14 N  13.41 E  19ML2.7 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 11:47 2010-01-12   11:26:49.043.12 N  13.43 E  22ML2.7 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 11:33 2010-01-12   08:48:51.043.13 N  13.44 E  17ML2.6 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 08:58 2010-01-12   08:35:59.043.14 N  13.40 E  25ML2.6 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 08:44 2010-01-12   08:25:11.243.14 N  13.48 E  10ML4.0 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 09:01 2010-01-12   08:07:15.743.14 N  13.51 E  10ML2.9 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-12 11:50 2010-01-10   12:37:38.943.12 N  13.45 E  5ML3.1 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-10 15:55 2010-01-10   08:33:35.543.15 N  13.42 E  10ML3.8 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-10 09:00 2010-01-08   22:40:20.043.02 N  13.46 E  26ML2.9 CENTRAL ITALY 2010-01-08 22:52 2009-12-14   16:54:24.043.09 N  13.35 E  23ML2.5 CENTRAL ITALY 2009-12-14 17:08

Oh dear...   I do hope this isn't an indication of worse to come for all of you in that area. Even though the majority aren't 'big' tremors - the fact that some are is not good. It  must be terrifying to suffer so many tremors in such a short space of time and my thoughts and prayers are with you all that you may be safe. I suppose it's only natural that your (and our) thoughts should go to April in Aquila. Let's pray that there won't be a repeat.  

  Thanks Carole for your thoughts, not much fun around here today and we are all worried. Everytime you think its over another one seems to start. Sounds like an express train going through the house, and then the shakes. I hope a peaceful night for all friends and neighbours in our area of Marche tonight. A

 Some months ago, members of Italy's Magazine old forum and new community showed their compassion through donations to the Abruzzo's earthquake victims. Now, it is Haiti, one of the world's poorest countries who needs help. Solidarity has no borders, you will never know when a new tragedy will generate many innocent victims. My call is for help through any organisation that you would like to join efforts with. My thoughts are on the Red Cross, Caritas, Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), anyone who has an already working structure in the country and who could help victims as soon as possible. If we think at the victims from the Abruzzo's area, they are still suffering and will continue to do so for a long time to come. The people from Haiti have absolutely nothing and very little hope of getting help. So please, lend a hand. Tragedy has no borders but hope and charity have no boundaries.