New group? Can't do that - access denied. Can't do new post either.

01/04/2010 - 13:14


Hi Fillide, you can post in groups where you are a member. you can post in the public space. but only Community Members can create a new group. To learn more please read this: what are member roles? What is the difference between community visitor and community member? Your account will be upgraded as soon as possible. What group would you like to create?  

Hi Fillide             I haven't been able to do anything not even post so i can answer myself, im not sure what i have to do so at this point i gave up for now. Vincenzo

Hi Antinello, we are working to fix it. We think that the post body functionality is related to browsers. Explorer seems not to display the form correctly.  Meanwhile, people who experience those troubles, should post a message with the subject and then add a comment to their own post so to insert the content. Other members have done like that and it's the best way to post your messages in the community for the moment.