Be careful what you post

02/18/2010 - 08:27


 Still having difficultlies creating a new thread. Anyway, I wanted to alert everyone to this:'s just an illustration of the care we all ought to exercise when giving out personal information to basically the entire world. I'm constantly amazed by my kids' lack of understanding of the dangers of splurging everything out on social networking sites. Do they really want that picture of them on the toilet still floatingaround the interweb 40 years on??Don't get me wrong, I love the channels of communication opened up by the internet in all its forms. But I think we've still goto a way to go in understanding how much to divulge and to who. For instance, do we want to openly post when we will be leaving our property (either in Italy or the UK) empty?

We all should be careful since Internet is a public space and anyone can access to our information. So we should fear about bad people, exactly as if we were going out of home without locking the doors.. Facebook for example, requires that you sign up with your real name and surname and to show it in public, no username is permitted. Many of facebook users don't know that they can control their privacy settings.. Anyway, it's up to you... do you want to share all of your life with the world?  you are not forced to upload any single picture of you... 

  as I said on anthoer thread, some of the free to advertise holiday rental sites ask you for your property's full address, and post this on the site next to a calender which shows when the place is empty... be careful!