Buongiorno, no, non posso - thats not my gas bill?!

03/05/2010 - 12:55


 Frightening, knew utilities were much higher in Italy but........Can stomach 85 euros per month on the electricity, but nearly 400 euros per month on gas - for two people in a small two bed cottage using the central heating for 3 hours av per day, two showers a day and the gas hob! Did not expect that even though it is on country tank gas. We're heading for 6000 euro utility bill for the year in the cottage - might be a record!

I don't know. My friend used €3,000 worth of gas the first month she was here (bigger house). Needless to say that didn't last. She put on some jumpers and had 2 woodburners installed !!

In reply to by Penny

  What, how?!? Were they bathing in it, sniffing it? Thought we were being mighty frugal, using about a quarter of what we would in the uk and get a bill four times as big - happy days! Well the wine is cheaper, and the council tax, the cakes are good too - local restaurants are good, nice views here, even the cat seems chilled ......mmmmm, guess we'll put up with it.

There's only two encouraging things I can mention. First is that we got a whopper of a gas bill at one stage (when we weren't even in the property and the gas was turned off!) but it turned out that it was only an estimated reading and that when we complained they took an actual reading and subsequently sent us out a refund cheque. Maybe that's an issue in your case.The second thing I'd say is that although you may be using lots of heat etc. now that will change very soon and you'll be down to minimal use for the summer. Hopefully things over the year will average out ok. Either that or warm your self by a candle!

In reply to by Postmac

  We're being charged for about 600 litres of gas for the two months - no idea whether thats good or bad - are candles expensive too, are you better with scented or not?!!! Also think the cat might be using up too much heat.

600 litres of gpl sounds about right for 6 -8 weeks of winter heating, although for only 6 hours a day, you must be using radiators. Underfloor would probably cost the same, albeit would be for a 24/7 installation. The cold weeks will soon be over, so then you should not get so many shocks. Check your insulation!!!

3 hours a day, with hot water is very high in my opinion to cost e400 per month. You may need to look at some type of heat storage unit to help bring your costs down. There are a few members who could probably give you better advice, as I only know geothermal.

Its too high!, we are not on town gas, but a rough estimate for us is 280e per month in the winter, and we have the heating on most of the time except during the night  also use a stufa in the kitchen, where we usually are, so as the thermostat is in there it keeps an ambiant heat throughout our 3 storey, 3 bed house. Gas oven and hob , two showers a day.    Robert has fitted internal shutters, which help as we are not D/G in the main house and this really does make a difference,perhaps you are loosing to much heat through glass?. meanwhile the 4 cats keep cosy!

Not a good idea to have the therrmostat in the Kitchen area, as it gives wildly fluctuating readings. The norm is in a living room. There again, if you spend most of the time in the kitchen, it doesn't really matter!!!

  Thank you for the responses, all very helpful, still not sure whether we should keep expecting the 400 euro pm gas bills, but i agree angie, its not fair to blame the gatto! Roll on the warmer weather - otherwise i'm cooking the tables and chairs in the burner!

 While a total energy bill of about €6,500 is normal for many people it is certainly unacceptible but fortunately avoidable. With 5% inflation the cumulative consumption over 20 years will be over €200,000. As the solution is so simple there is no excuse really. As 'badger' suggests, just connect a wood burning stove and some solar panels to a heat bank and your gas bills will disappear. Even nicer, if not essential for bigger houses, is to have a heat pump... the writing is on the wall for gas and the future is electric. Now if you had PV electric panels to help run the heat pump you would almost certainly be nett ZERO COST on all energy and therefor all of that €200,000 will remain in your pocket.

  Its a compact two bedroom cottage - 2 up 2 down with a bathroom upstairs - old building.  Large double sliding glass doors onto terrace and a couple of other large windows.  We have a log burner which we use for all the heat in the evening - hence only central heating for 3 hours early morning from the combi boiler. Needless to say not using the central heating any more!