CO2 Mosquito Catchers

Antinello Image
05/16/2010 - 09:31

Does anyone have any experience with CO2 mosquito catchers available on the market in Italy? I notice they usually have some models at the top of the escalators in Porta Di Roma Leroy Merlin but haven't spotted any known brands (Amplecta, Megacatch etc). Any info would help as we feel like reclaiming our garden this summer!  



Goodness me, I didn't know such a thing existed!  Have just been looking at them on the internet.  Do let us all know about it if you make your own, Antinello

My friends here have had a couple of the black ones that are made in China (cost around €140) and in both cases, they have stopped working within 3 months. One was returned for repair to the supplier who, after 4 months, returned it working once again. It broke again within 6 weeks, so, be wary of them. They certainly kill mosquitoes, but they do so by attracting them. The general feeling was that they attract more than they kill - when they are working, that is. So, I suggest you stick with the Autan.

DEET is the best repellent, aromatic oils etc don't work altho one would like them to and mozzy nets at the windows will stop them getting in to the house and lurking on the walls ready to bite you at night! Watch out you don't get deet on to designer spec frames and hearing aids it will wreck the plastic.

Hi All, How do you get the mozzy nets onto the window so that there is no way of the blighters getting through - is there a tape or something that you use. Do you keep them on the windows permanently? Scuse my ignorance but I don't know where to buy them or how how to use them to best advantage

This is for making frames that you trap in the half of a double opening window. The latching side is closed onto the frame and that half window is left open. The frame is a slat sandwich with the wider slats slotting into corresponding window recesses. The corners are half overlap joints - just glued. kit required:- a few lengths of slat about 25 x 5 and also 20 x 5, a hobby staple gun, tape measure, pencil, PVC glue, nylon mesh. clamps and/or a Black and Decker workmate, Stanley knife. Lay out the first layer of the frame on a rectangular table and staple the corners. Staple on the mesh and trim off the excess. glue on the other frame. Typicall to fit you drop into the bottom slot on the window, push into the frame then slide over to pick up the slot on the side of the window - then close the latching window to trap your frame. There - Robert's your father's brother.

Any good hardware store - have seen it in 'Brico's', they sell netting and tape which works, you could make a seperate frame to fix it to, can also buy kits with aluminium frames, longer lasting but more expensive.   Lidl's often have good offers if one near you.

We bought one of those electric ones (like you get in butchers) from Brico for indoors. It cost €9.90 and it works a treat. No bites and lots of dead mossies. We do have fly nets at the windows though. We bought a roll of it and just silicon it to the window frames. The sticky tape just didn't stick well to be honest. Silicon works fine and you can peel it off if you need to.

I have the mosquito blinds in every window and they are great, keep all bugs, mozzies, and flies out but I have one problem.........   I get bitten to death whilst I am sat outside in the evening, enjoying the fresh and cooler air.  The bites lease HUGE red, horrible marks on me as I react badly.  I never, to my knowledge, get bitten inside the house with the blinds in place.   So any answer to how I can stop being bitten outside please!! Maralyn