Wonderful Calabria!

05/26/2010 - 17:56

Hi everybody, I'm looking forward to going to our Casa in Calabria in three weeks time. I will be going on my own this time so I will have to practise my italian and do all the driving! Pat has to work so I will be there until early sept.In bournemouth here we have just had a hot weekend,but its turned chilly today. I cant wait for some decent weather in Italy. I just love the Italian icecream too!! I will take my 10kg ryanair allowance in books, so I can read all day.



Cilla, I can hear the excitement in your voice willing away the next three weeks.   I wish you well in your new home in Calabria and hope you have a wonderful relaxing time.   Maralyn

Thanks, Maralyn & Donna for your good wishes. Ive already packed and repacked! As I'm on my own this time I need my hand luggage at a suitable weight that I can lift! If push comes to shove I can always play on the helpless female!!! It's getting the case up into the overhead locker that I might have trouble with, and I'm taking two flights, so its twice lifting up the damn case! Anyway I can't wait to go on my own or not. It rained all night last night and most of the morning here in Bournemouth so the weather has got to be better over there. Ciao for now.smiley

I agree with you Cilla!!  Calabria is wonderful and I can't wait until I am in the same position as you!!  Enjoy the peace tranquility and especially the abundance of the lovely and freshest fruit and veg !! Donna

I take crockery and all heavy stuff in my cabin case and it sometimes weighs nearly as much as my hold suitcase.  (I travel on Easyjet).   It is fine dragging it around on its wheels but carrying it up the plane steps is difficult but not impossible, then I get a bit dithery at the thought of trying to reach up and put it in the overhead locker.  But being of an age where younger men think of me as "old" (I am 58) I just ask a younger man to help me with the case and have been helped with no problem at all both outward and return. Just act "pathetic"!!!! I was in my house near Cassino (southern Lazio) on my own for the first time in May and thoroughly enjoyed it although I was hardly ever alone, phone calls inviting me out, people visiting concerned I was alone etc.  I am going back in July for 10 days and again in September for about two or three weeks. I just adore it there but unfortunately with a business in the UK my husband and I cannot always get time away together.  Next to my computer desk is the start of the next lot of stuff to go over in my suitcase and hand baggage. I hope you have a wonderful time and fully understand your excitement. maralyn