ici payment help desperate

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04/15/2010 - 18:28

Hi Guys   I have been reading all your helpful info on paying ici  but I have to say I am getting no where. Some of you mention Soget but I can not find the place to go to find ICI payment for Citta Sant angelo, pescara.   Like some of you I really need to pay it on line and every program I go to does not list my town please help.   Also I was told ICI did not have to be paid so for 2 years I have paid nothing can these programs do back payments?   appreciate links to these sites that list pescara and citta sant angelo   Gratzie



As far as I'm aware ICI has to be paid from the start of owning a house in Italy.       i.e the minute you sign on the dotted line. We have paid every year and you need to go to your Comune to find out how much and must do so every year thereafter, to otherwise late payments will include a heavy fine, so would urge to get on to it asap. Also think that you can pay bi-yearly.

Hi   I am so confused yes this is my holiday home. I go there once every 3/4 months for a long weekend but I thought that I still had to pay ICI as I am a non resident? jen

Do you have a local INAC office as they will do all the paperwork for you and tell you how much you have to pay; they charge about €20 for doing it. Have you also registered with your local Commune, you have to do this first.

In reply to by karenr

yes and there lies the problem as my commune does not come up when entered aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

[I posted this on Patz 'bill' thread - but it may assist you also]   According to the Finance Ministry website  The ICI must be paid in two installments:

  1. first, to be paid by June 16, is equal to 50% of tax due for the year and is calculated at the rate and deductions the previous year;
  2. the second installment to be paid in settlement between 1 and December 16, is determined by the application of rates and deductions deliberated for the current year, then subtracting the amount paid on account.

The website has a fair amount about ICI – [its in Italian, but my Google bar translated it for me], and although it may not help on how to pay, it could help with the calculations and the [relatively small] charges for late payment  [I paid late last year – cost me about 6 Euros extra] The website is   here

It's occurred to me that if the previous owners of your house did not have to pay ICI, the comune won't have caught up with you. I had to go and register at the comune as soon as I'd signed the rogito and my vendors were keen that I did so, as it was not their first home and they were paying ICI on it and didn't want to keep paying while it was sorted out. So, like Tinker says, it looks like you need to register at the Comune first. They may even be able to help - our lot are really helpful. I'm assuming you are not permanently in Italy and hence want to pay online. We can't do this in Pacentro and I arranged for all my bills to go to an Italian friend elsewhere in Italy to pay for me. Another friend had an agent pay all her bills (till he returned to the UK!) but that was quite expensive. The comune staff get a bit twitchy about late payment because it's a state tax, but I paid for the first time last August and I did not appear to pay a fine. Might not be the same story if it happened this year though. I didn't know about INAC, so I'll follow that one up for my friend. Thanks Tinker. Good luck

I don't know, but I helped out some danish friends doing the same. They had a visit booked so that they managed to pay while they were down for the week. If you don't know how much you have to pay, you should contact the comune to have them calculate it for you. You find email etc. on their website: http://www.comune.cittasantangelo.pe.it/elenco_pagine.asp?Sez_ID=1&Box_ID=3615 As for foreign residents, it's perfectly possible to pay online from abroad directly to Ministero delle Finanze, but of course that doesn't help if you don't know the amount... http://www.finanze.it/export/finanze/Per_conoscere_il_fisco/Fiscalita_locale/ici/soggettimodalita.htm Good luck

The simple answer is yes. I did it every year until  I found it easier to pay the whole year in one fell swoop in June (actually July, after the deadline, but nobody was bothered!)