building a garage

06/21/2010 - 16:42

Seeking advice regarding building a garage; build from bottom up, buy a prefab, wooden or metal or??? Thanks, Fred



Thanks, Alan, we are squared away as far as permissions are concerned. Would be interested to know of any cost comparative experiences by anyone. The site is level, hardpacked, easily accessible by equipment, however subject to some periodic pretty stiff winds. We have the capability to "stickbuild" should that be the best solution. Fred

"we are squared away as far as permissions are concerned"  Doesn't the permission state what type of building is permitted?  If not [and I can't think why it doesn't] - I'd always go for a traditional built one - concrete base, brick/block/stone walls with a felted timber 'flat' roof, not forgetting the power supply and drainage

Like alan h, I'm slightly confused about your permission as well. It should be very clear what you can and can't do. Don't make the mistake that I did a few years back....Re-roofed my carport. Perfect job, (if I say it myself)  then received visit from municipal police. Result, materials used, (and I'm talking wood here), not compliant with comune regulations. Had to take it all down. Over €2,000 out of pocket.

Thanks for the input, guys. We are dealing with farm property, "garage' for "farm equipment" not to be "permanent," which restricts choices to prefab; metal or wood, or wooden structure. Stone, concrete, etc. not in the cards. Thanks, Fred