
Montrose Image
07/10/2010 - 16:03

Does anyone have any suggestions for things for 14 year old London girls to do during the summer in Le Marche (Porto san Giorgio area). Good places for shopping, meeting people, any 'safe' discos for this age group?



There is the Citta delle Stelle at Castel di Lama which is the nearest I've found to a UK equivalen.  It contains a Multiplex cinema and some sort of bowling outift?  (as you may be able to tell, not really my thing!) I would have thought the beach at PsG would hold quite a few attractions for that age group - safe bars, music, maybe discos - others will know more I;m sure.  We tend to stick to the mountains and warn our (now rather older) kids to bring lots of books.  Perhaps that's why they don't tend to come much at present - though I've  feeling that a couple of years hence and the idea of a cheap/free holiday will be more enticing!

Anne is right, loads of bars, beach cafes and discos on the beach at PSG, but think the discos start up very late (so I hear from much younger Italian friends) and go on until 4ish in the morning so probably not for 14yr olds even though they would love it!.

Plenty of the beach chalets get lively around aperitivo time and have a DJ and a buffet etc. It tempts all the beautiful people out which is great for people watching. Then everything goes quiet until around 10pm again (for dinner) then it all starts up again slowly until about 6am. Be careful - Nightclubs are usually lap dancing/strip clubs whilst Discos are the regular disco thing. Very little drinking goes on and most people drive. I don't think there would be too many 14 year-olds there though. Teenagers are a bit more sophisticated in London wink

Yes, I think Penny is right about teenagers being more sophiosticated in London. I can't speak for your area, but usually the beach is a culture in itself and it is quite normal for teenagers to stay out till the early hopurs dancing down thre.

I know it might sound crazy, but you might want to check the local church... they might have some kind of summer club, estate ragazzi, where the local kids would go... that is how it works in our village, anyway! Paola