Gas Cookers

06/23/2009 - 05:44

Can anyone help.  When we moved to Italy we brought with us a new Stoves Cooker (LPG).  One oven has stopped working and as we have shipped abroad the guarantee is invalidated.  It doesn't help that apparently Stoves do not sell in Italy.  We have been trying to find a gas fitter/engineer to come and look at the cooker but not having much luck finding anyone who does maintenance/repairs.   Does anyone have any contacts or suggestions.  Many thanks



I advise you to do a search through using the words "riparazioni forni gas umbria" and you get a list of companies which do that type of repairs in your area. Unless somebody knows of someone locally......

Initially it may be better to contact Stoves direct by email or telephone, with an explanation of the problem as they may be able to suggest a solution, that you may be able to rectify yourself. Normally the problem here is getting spare parts if they are required and knowing the part number required.

Tried the Stoves route and we got a part they thought might be the culprit - 3 hours to fit the part and  the grand switch on -  the new part blew!!.  That's why I was hoping to get someone with some experience.  If they can identufy the part I should be able to get one in England.  I shall try google - thanks for all your help.

Do you have any neighbor? Looking up someone in Google might not bring good results as you need a person that works local and many people who do this sort of maintainance do not have a website. You might have slghtly better luck with the yellow pages where you will find also companies that do not have websites.The reason for asking if you have neighbors as that in Italy you first ask if someone you know happens to know someone else who does the work. You also ask if they do it well and ask reasonable prices.Thismight save you considerable stress and expenses. Only if this fails you call someone out of a book/website. 

 i am a gas engineer in the uk. i have worked for cannon ,indesit and stoves what is wrong with your cooker? i may be able to help. has it been gonverted to run on gpl?

In reply to by nickbass

Hi Nick,  We have a Stoves and we purchased it to run on gpl.  It has two ovens and one of the ovens just stopped working.  My husband spoke with Stoves and they sent a small part (some kind of switch) cost £9.  They fitted it last week and it just blew up giving my son a small electric shock in the process,  I'm in England and they are in Italy.  I'm travelling over tomorrow so will be back in touch when I can give you a bit more detail.  I've now got a couple of names of companies in Perugia.  I know my husband asked around and noone has been able to recommend anyone.  So many thanks everyone.  I'm sure we'll solve the problem together!!. 

In reply to by nickbass

Hi Nick, I'm  in sunny Italy.  First thing it's a Rangemaster not a Stoves.  Runs on gpl - bought this way.  We rang Rangemaster and told it was probably one of two things.  Got a switch which fitted behind fascia.  Turned on and blew.  The switch cost £10.  Other part that may be the problem was a part costing £90 whichh we were told was more complicated to fit.  Think it was something to do with the actual burner.  Loathe to spend money not knowing if it will fix the problem.  Any troubleshooting tips welcome.  Model Rangemaster Classic 110 lpg.  Many thanks

i have checked on the parts info  for you. it seems as the f,s,d has gone.the part no is A028525 UP TO SERIAL NO 59999£110.40FROM SERIAL NO60001 PART NO IS A037151 £89.27I WOULD STILL SEEK PROFESIONAL ADVICE IN ITALY TO REPAIR YOUR CKR. THESE ARE GAS CARRYING PARTS AND ARE A MAJOR STRIPDOWN TO FIT.I would also be worried obout the microswitch that you fitted. a wire may have been trapped . a faulty fsd doesnt usualy blow fuses. i am sorry that i cant help anymore. if only the cooker was in seborga in aug.please note my info is advisory as i havnt looked at your cooker personally

Just thought you may like to know the end of my gas cooker saga.  Bought the two parts recommended by Nick and at last through a neighbour found someone who mends gas cookers.  Apparently when there is a power surge or an electrical storm it is blowing the micro switch.  I have therefore bought 2 spares to have in Italy.  It is worth others knowing about the elctricity surges/storms as the same problem caused our satellite dishes to blow.  Thanks for all your help!!