Hello All

Rendin Image
07/18/2010 - 07:52

Just wanted to stick my head above the parapet and say hello, after weeks of silently trawling the community pages, marveling  at the amount of useful information on display! Our position is that after years of regularly visiting Italy we have decided to move there permanently. Now, that's the big decision out of the way, but the myriad of smaller ones! My head is beginning to ache. If anyone can point me to a reliable estate agent in Northern Tuscany that would be a great start. Alla prossima


We have just bought / are in the process of buying a property in northern tuscany, just the final signatures to go.  We used Casatuscany - they have been fantastic (I hope they will continue to be until the bitter end!) with an agent in Bagni di Lucca and an agent in the UK - thoroughly recommend them.  Good luck, it is a beautiful area. Jan

In reply to by JanJ

Thank you Jan for your recommendation and I wish you a completely stress free end to the purchase process, Rendin

In reply to by Rendin

We also viewed houses with Houses in Tuscany (although there are 2 agents with the same name - one is housesintuscany.com and the other is .net)  the one we used was the .net version!  Also very very helpful, excellent English - husband and wife - the wife was Scottish and the husband was Italian but spoke good English, based in Barga I think.  It just so happened that the house we chose was with the other agent - both were great. Good luck - you must be very excited, happy hunting. Jan

I am sure everyone has their own favourites.  We are in the final stages of purchasing in Northern Tuscany and used Houses in Tuscany.  Got to say we've received really good support to date. Definately worth a look. Whilst we were looking we contacted and visited a range of Estate Agents and some impressed and others not so, for a variety of reasons.  One that did impress was Lunigiana 2000.

In reply to by RichardSanti

Thanks everyone, I'm working my way through all the suggested sites and there are indeed some nice properties. Will let you know how we get on. There also seems to be a trend for price reductions/willingness to consider offers at the moment unlike the last time we looked (couple of years ago), which for us is good news. Rendin

We bought our house this spring through Remax in Lucca with the help of their agent Paola Mondello. She is absolutely fantastic and was/is a fantastic help to us! She speaks english, absolutely loves her work and puts in all her energy to help you find the type of property you want. She also cooperates (which is very common here) with many of the other agents in the area, so you are not restriced to looking at the houses that are on the Remax home page.

Janj  Good point I forgot there are two with the same name and it was the .net one I was referring to.  Both Benito and Francesca gave good support throughout the process. Both Scots / Italian so it made things very easy. We have now concluded the sale and have the keys - so hoping to return when it stops raining!

We also viewed and bought our house in the rain!  Returning to it in the sunshine however was wonderful - it was even better that we had hoped.  A tiny garden we had presumed would be shaded and damp, was infact bathed in sunshine for most of the day, a real bonus indeed.   I'm just making my 'to do list' as I'm returning for a week next Thursday, hopefully this will be a sunny visit - it is typical summer weather here in Wales, yes it's wet!