
hazy Image
05/26/2009 - 08:21

I'm buying an apartment on 17th June in Le Marche. Have had huge amounts of help from Karen but don't want to take up her time with this.I need to get a permesso di soggiorno di dimora and also get all the utilities put in my name, get the internet and Sky sorted out. Any info/advice etc gratefully received. Apartment is in Carassai, my Italian is very minimal at tghe moment.



"I need to get a permesso di soggiorno di dimora and also get all the utilities put in my name, " I'd use my estate agent for this - mine dealt with setting up my bank account and direct debits for utilities,  codice fiscale  etc etc[We pay them enough - they might as well earn their commission] .

Wish I was so lucky - I'm not using an estate agent, my intermediary does not find this part of his remit and wants to charge me 100 euros per utility to sort each one!

In reply to by hazy

David will do these for you for a much cheaper rate - maybe you could PM him?Moxie

Hazy I would advise you perhaps to spend the money, especially if your Italian is limited and time is running out.  It takes time for the utilities to be connected.

  Not wanting to "do" David out of work - but do you have a Geometra ? Mine did all my utility bill transfers for me and my ICI.Best of luck anywayJinty

Gala if  you consider 50 euros per hour seems to be the going rate for a freelancer.  That's not bad for having piece of mind. Maybe the intermediary has to travel to the utilities boards  .....  However it's always worth haggling I suppose but that just zaps energy especially in the heat.  regards, sempre_italia

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I did get the gas put on at my house on my own - with appalling Italian Went to the gas office - nobody spoke English so conversation went something like me - Ho una casa in XXXX  [name of village nearby where house is]me - vorrei Metanothem -  nuova or transferro?  me - nuovo [It was a new supply, rather than transfer of account]them - OK  andiamo a la casa! and off we went to my place, where he hit the gatepost with his hand a to show where the meter would be fitted. Then back to the office -  cheque for about 200 Euros - gas supply and meter installed 1 week later  

 At least ENEL can be contacted via the Internet if the intermediary has access. I think that our Geometra charged a very small amount to do the necessary.

 Yes your Geometra would be the first port of call if you have one but not at €100 per utility.ENEL and Telecom can be simple over the phone but only if you have a reasonable grasp of italian and the patience to battle with the menu system.When I bought my present abode, the vendor insisted on taking me to various offices to change names. Easier still!The gas companies are a doddle, there is so much competition and they all want your name on their contracts. 

In reply to by DavidUno

Although in the middle of nowhere we have a Citygas mains supply close to our property.  When the boiler had been fitted in April last year our Geometra rang them and asked them to come and connect up.  'Si' they said.  'We'll be along right away.  Possibly next February but probably next March'!We're on LPG.

Just an aside and an observation.  The main page is telling me at this point that Hazy has posted but her reply hasb't yet appeared.