digging a well

frankandvalitalia Image
08/17/2010 - 05:54

We want to dig a well in our garden, does anyone know if we we need any permission from any authorities. Thanks Frank


"We have water about 5-7 metres under our garden, so we intend digging the old fashioned way, buckets and spades"   I hope you know how difficult and dangerous a self-dig well would be - hopefully you are experienced in such undertakings - there are extreme safety risks from the collapse of excavations, possible gas/breathing problems, drowning [if you ever get deep enough], etc etc etc I'd be amazed if any designer/geometra/Engineer would touch such a proposal with the proverbial 10 foot barge pole. It would be interesting is you would give us feed back the comune's response to your proposal.

"would the Commune ever know?" Probably - If borehole - the rig would be a bit obvious If hand dug - 20+ cubic metres of 'spoil' to dispose of Plus neighbours reporting etc etc