Hello Everybody

09/06/2010 - 09:00

Hi everybody, pleased to join your Forum. I have been living off and on in Italy now for nearly 3 years and have decided to extend our stays to semi permanent, as I can work from Italy with the wonders of t'internet and mobile comms.Hope that the Winter will be tolerable as never spent a whole winter in Tuscany, although looking forward to getting some sking done this year. Looking forward to picking up some useful or not so useful tips en route.Ciao a tutti.


Hi and thanks for introducing yourself, it makes you part of the community. Don't know how winter in Tuscany is since I live in mild Sicily, anyway it depends on which weather you are used to. I'm sure that members living in Tuscany can give you an answer! If you are looking for more English speaking friends in Tuscany region you should have a look at the Map of User Locations and you may find many people living close to you! Hope you'll enjoy your stay in Italy and your talks at the Italy Communty!

Hello Flip and welcome. Winter in Tuscany depends on the particular area where you will be living and there are lots of microclimates. Altitude also is very relevant. Best wishes regarding your future plans.