contact details for Fidoka wireless broadband service

grania Image
12/22/2010 - 08:26

I am hoping to install wireless broadband at my house near Gualdo, Marche. Can someone provide me with a point of contact (english speaking) and telephone number (or email address) for Fidoka. Alternatively if you have an address I can visit in person. Thanks in anticiation.



or try and put Fidoka into the Community Search on this page as it has been covered before.

I recommend that you go there , they are on the SP 78 in Ripe San Ginesio (Via val di Fiastra) ...telephone 0733 663676, I have used them for nigh on 3 years and in general excellent service, I have just upgraded to their 4mb service (32E per month)...................doeswhat I need (and I bet I do more than 'you' !!!!) ..... Good luck, also for live streaming UK TV .....I use My Personal Network, or iPORTAL, both do the same things for circa £5 per month. buon natale a tutti, S