Hatching Eggs

Kensington2 Image
03/31/2013 - 08:19

Is this an impossible ask??? Does anyone know where I can get some hatching eggs from. I am after specific breeds - not just a farmyard cross that is available everywhere. If I can buy them on line then so much the better. The UK is full of suppliers but none will ship to Italy that I am aware of. I really wanted the Bresse Chickens or the Label Anglais - both full flavoured meat chickens. Any help would be greatly appreciated or if you know someone who could send some hatching eggs of full flavoured meat chickens then that might be a start. By the way - Happy Easter to everyone.....



The Valdarno breed is considered to be the Italian equivalent of the "poulet de Bresse". At least under the culinary point of view. It is a Tuscan breed and I guess that it would be available... Where? No idea.  Buona Pasqua!

Depending on where in Tuscany you are, I have can't really point you in the direction of specific Chickens, although most owners tend to have a black Livornese or Valdarno in their flocks (well at least in our area). Best option I would go for is visit your local pet shop or feed seller and inquire with them. Our local pet shop has flyers with hens/ducks/dogs etc fro sale on display when the season is right. Buona Pasqua a tutti.