Car Insurance and breakdown cover

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04/25/2013 - 18:19

It is now only a few months before we move out to Italy with our 2 dogs.We will become resident in Italy.I have been reviewing the archive but can not see anything current relating the insurance and breakdown cover for a UK registered vehicle. Once I inform DVLA that I am exporting the car, I will then want to insure it and get some breakdown cover in place. I have read a lot about whether cars have to be returned to the UK each year for an MOT but would only do this if there was no other choice. Car will get regular servicing in Italy. Not sure if it matters how long I leave the car with UK plates. Officially 6 months has been mentioned but others appear to ignore this. So, any specific advice from the forum about who I should contact for both the insurance and the breakdown cover. Apologies if this is a subject that is rather mundane. I will be looking for much more interesting information later on, once I have the basics covered.



Apparently, the Italsure office is now closed and everything is being done through Clements Worldwide. Have just changed our vehicle, but you have to cancel the other insurance and then apply for a new quote, as they will not accept a normal change of vehicle!!

We have just today had our renewal premium through form this lot and the premium has gone up by over 30%! Don't understand it. We will query it, but has anybody else had large hikes in their premiums? Any answers as to why they have gone up so much?   SimonandJo

Our Policy with Italsure/Clements also went up (about 22%) although no claims, but I understand from friends that prices of car insurance in Italy have risen substantially anyway (well you know about the standard of driving here) due to the high number of claims over the past year.

And also the fluctuation in the Dollar v Euro, as their policies are all charged in Dollars.

Had a look at these. Owned by Admiral in the UK. Came up even more expensive although they advertise to save you sqillions of Euros against other insurers. A bit of a game me thinks.

Hmmm - I had a quote which I accepted from ConTe last year as they let you insure the driver which makes it cheaper. BUT they do not cover you straight away and from reviews I read on Italian websites they take an age to send any paperwork to you and if I remember correctly only gurantee to do it within 2 weeks. In my case that left me without cover. I cancelled and they refunded eventually. I can't imagine what you were insuring with Direct Line for €3000!! I haven't noticed my premium has gone up this year with Direct Line. Seems around the same as every year. Just had a quote for insuring a brand new Panda 4x4 full cover except accidental damage if not involved in a collision and it was €1100. This includestravel to and from work and leisure use. Remember that maximum no claims bonus is class 1 and the lowest is 20 when doing your quotes. Confused the hell out of me at first.

Direct Line in ITaly is prohibitvely expensive.  Ive just changed from Conte to Quixo which costs 40% less.  However, legally you must import your car into Italy (change your plates) after 6 monhs.