Van from Wiltshire

Restoration stalled Image
09/20/2010 - 05:18

I am looking to start a regular run from the UK (Devizes) to Le Marche. Based on you doing online shopping at Tesco/Waitrose etc dropping at my house and me delivering to you in Le Marche. If you are interested or would like to comment e mail First run hopefully early December will want return load as well................I will get the restoration re started!!!!  Restoration Stalled!


I am a Waitrose addict - it's one of the few things I am seriously worried about leaving behind - though I will be taking my heavy duty trolley bags with me!!!  So if you can go via Liguria you'd have another drop (we're not going to live there for 18 months so plenty of time to plan the route!!)  I think it's a great idea.  I don't do the online Ocado at the moment as Waitrose is only round the corner - but I'm wondering if it links in to  John Lewis as well - and then if you could do Marks and Spencer too, I'd be ecstatic! 

Ooh, we're very close to you (between Penna and MSM) and the idea of some muffins, crumpets, jordans cereals and smokey back bacon is very appealing, just worried that making it worth your while would prob make it not worth our while, these would be proper treats rather than exactly essentials. Can you poss pm me and say what you would be looking for as repayment? Cheers  Am

 We used to live just down the road from Devizes and  now live in Treia ( MC ) Marche. We would be very interested in how you charge for items  to be delivered here. Will you charge by box size and weight or something? Would you consider bringing furniture over here ? We have family still living in Wiltshire  and they are downsizing so some of their surplus stuff could come our way,,, maybe. Good luck anyway sounds a great idea.

Be interested to hear if you go this off the ground, we have some furniture ot go back from Fano to Essex at the end of the moth if you have a run going around then ??? PM me if you can help, Grazie Jon