As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am

08/01/2014 - 10:54

As a writer for Italy Magazine, I am always on the look out for people who have property here either holiday homes or ex-pats who would be willing to share their story with other readers. If anyone is interested get back to me here and we can take it from there. Here's hoping everyone has a happy summer in Italy.



Hello Kelda68 - Where in Marche are you building?  My husband and I just returned from the region a few weeks ago and are interested in purchasing in Senegalia, however we have not ruled out a customer build.  As a custom build we think that would we also like to explore other areas in the Marche region and as such were interested in what others have thought of the area.Thanks -Hera

Have moved from Ireland to The Euganean Hills last year. Bought a sweet little house with great views among the vineyards and olive groves. Love to walk. Currently writing a novel set in Venice. A big move, but so far so good. Lots of teething problems with the builders, but otherwise pretty problem free. 

When you write your novel, please try and get your Italian spelling right. I just came across a book (one which doesn't interest me) that is set in Venice and is called "Inamorata". How oculd a writer not check the spelling when she uses an Italian word as her title. It is spelled "innamorata" with two ns.  

Thanks everyone for getting back to me I will be in tough after Ferragosto, just vreturned from a fabulous festa in nthe mountain town of Palombaro with many more to come over the next week... Hope you all have a happy and healthy ferragosto...Barry

Barry, I would personally like to hear the stories of Americans retiring in Italy, as that would be my circumstance. I've read a lot about Brits moving over, and young people from all over taking the plunge. Us golden American oldies need representation too! :)

A little more about me. I'm 40 years old and decided to make a lifestyle change. Originally from NJ, the other 'Napels', I moved here in January. Although my story has just begun, there is lots to be told about my experiences in Naples, and they are NOT all bad!  Feel free to contact me as I am more than happy to share!

I still urge people to read my book before they decide to move here. It's called "My Home Sweet Rome: Living (and Loving) in Italy's Eternal city" (On Amazon, Barnes and Noples, Apple, Kobo). I've been here for 40 years and am not going anywhere but the subetxt (not so sub, actually) is "It's a great place to visit, but would you really want to live here?". I'm not saying you shouldn't come, especially if you are retired and don't need to work. But you should know what life here is really like before you take the plunge. 

No matter what country you move to, research is essential. I explored all aspects of living here in Italy long before actually taking the plunge and deciding to move here. The research was well worthwhile and I would urge all those dreaming about 'La Dolce Vita' to visit as often as possible before making that final decision. Location is important; remember that the rustic farmhouse you dream of is often isolated and won't help you to become part of the local community. Like with every country, the rules will be different wherever you go. Be prepared for queuing, signing lots of papers, watching a dizzying amount of photo-copying of documents and listening to the sound of multiple rubber stamping. My move here was also made a great deal simpler by the use of an English speaking estate agent who was accustomed to facilitating Irish, British and American clients. His advice was invaluable and I was lucky to have chosen a property from his portfolio. I have been here for eighteen months and couldn't be happier or more content with my life in Italy. I am happy to answer any questions about my own particular experience. 

Orna.....I am new to this site and was intrigued by your post....(Especially the "happy to answer any questions about your own particular experience".....My husband, myself and our soon to be 5 year old daughter are strongly considering a "retirment" move to Italy.  Both my husband and I are in our 50's and we adopted our "granddaughter" at birth.  We have discussed moving to Italy several years before she was born and continue to do so today.  We are strongly considering it now that she is a little older and my oldest son is heading off to college in a few short months.  While I have many questions about the move itself.....would you say it as a "dual citizen"  (I just received my citizenship) there is less "red tape" and would I qualify for a mortgage of sorts.  While we would have some significant "cash on hand", we loose quite a large chunk of it when we exchange it for Euro.  Do you know anything about the school system there?  Is there a particular aread you would recommend for the raising of a small child, or perhaps an area to avoid?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

I'm not sure how much help I can give you regarding your questions. First of all, I did not have to apply for a mortgage when I bought my house. A lucky situation to be in, for sure! As far as school is concerned, most ex-pats I know send their children to English or American schools, so I can't really help you there either, though if you ask a specific question I am sure I could ask around and let you know. I am living in the Veneto, which has a strong infrastructure, with lots of famously good schools and universities. I am sure this area must be an excellent place to bring up a family, judging by the local children and their wonderful families. Good luck!

I am a retired American with a (part vacation/part personal residence)  house in the village of Valle San Giovanni, a frazione of Teramo.  I found a way open to other Americans, possiby to other EEU citizens to finance their stay in Italy.   One path involves landing a position with the military, most likely in Aviano, Vicenza, Naples or Catania, either as a GS employee or a a contractor.   I am currently a contractor near the Frankfurt/Hahn airport in Germany.  Working in this position allows me to cheaply fly to Pescara for a long weekend.   The information on the websites for my house and the village, unless noted othewise, was composed by myself, is not copyrighted, and you are welcome to share or use it in any way you see fit. 

Thank you for asking, Barry. I have been looking at Abruzzo, because it might be affordable to me, it looks like a beautiful area, and my goal is to grow some grapes and have a few fruit and olive trees. I will not be leaving soon, but I can't stop thinking about it, so I'm looking for friendly places to chat with ex pats, while also pouring over property listings.
S Gilbert, I hear you. I'll try to check out your book. I'm sure it's very helpful.
Orna, so glad your plans worked out well. Would you consider revealing the agent you used?

Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in being interviewed with their story of why they bought or want to buy a house in Italy, please contact me via my email address and I will respond direct and we can take it from there. Best wishes, Barry

Hi Barry, I would love to write an article. Last year Katia, very kindly let me write an article about my new book ' A Chestnut Barn in Tuscany' which has since become a best seller on Amazon, together with a short story about another visit to Italy. My sequel 'Back to Tuscany and the Barn' has just recently been published and I would love to be able to share my knowledge and insight into 'living the dream' with other likeminded people. Many thanks for your time.  Catherine Carabine.

welcome to ask me about my "story" which began 25 years ago when my ex and I bought a tiny place in a tiny town in Umbria, "moved up", made a beautiful home, interacted mostly with local farmers, townspeople and artists (we are artists). Divorce, house sold after 7 years on the market, my choice to then restart in Puglia. That will be my "last" vacation home and I bought there to be someplace warm, near the sea, affordable and in a province that is more forward looking than Umbria, which has a huge piece of my heart.

We have some wonderful stories. We came to live in Casoli Abruzzo from Cape Town , South Africa. We have Villa Di  Stelle, which is a holiday rental property , and we live close by at Casa Paradiso! We've been here almost 2 and a half years, and in that time we rebuilt the villa and cultivated the 6 acre property around us. We've dealt with builders, geometras, the Questura (as my husband's had to deal with residency) and just about every facet of 'welcome to Italy' beurocracy there is! We are however very happy here, and love our surroundings. If you'd like any specifically targeted stories, let me know!  Jo and Chris  

Hi Jo and Chrisi just realised my reply went to the wrong place!  We are also from SA and own a place in Pacentro.  We live in the UK but would love a chance to chat via email.  I am on Facebook.  Hope to hear from you both and hear your stories.trish and Jonathan

Ciao! I'd love to contribute any stories or authentic recipes if that's what you are looking for =) I am an American who is married to a Sicilian and we live here in Sicily, specifically in the province of Ragusa. You can find more about me on my blog