Hello All,I posted this on the Living

Kimlindy Image
11/17/2014 - 04:29

Hello All,I posted this on the Living Section of the Questions, but I thought that maybe someone here might have some ideas.I am buying/renovating a property in Italy as a second and vacation property for me (I am alone), my children and grandchildren.My first attempt at purchasing did not ban out due to legal problems with the property. It was in Abruzzo. However, I have not given up (although I want an area a little bit more advanced than Abruzzo now) and I am researching other areas in Italy. I am now concentrating on the non expensive parts of Umbria and the area just south of Rome.. about an hour and a half on the other side of the mountains in Abruzzo so we will still be close to the ski resorts. I would like to be only a few hours away from the airport in Rome or Milano.I am interested in any advice on lovely town or towns that you might recommend me to concentrate my search. I wouldl like to be in or near a town of beauty, cafes and shops. Maybe not a 'tourist' town, but after my experience in Abruzzo I would like something a bit more near what I am familiar with in Tuscany.If you have any suggestions of towns or properties I am all ears!! :-)BTW I have a TERRIFIC lawyer who is English and Italian speaking originally from Philadelphia but law school in Rome. She is unbelievable and if anyone needs a lawyer contact me offline at kim@ipresources.co.il and I would be happy to introduce you.Looking forward to hearing from you.Kim



Hi Laura,Thanks so much for your reply. I would be happy to hear from your colleaque off line at kim@ipresources.co.il.Kind regards,Kim

Then you will know that as you say on your website ' you wont have to pay an Italian agent any more' you must be cited in the act of sale, and that if you take commission on a sale, acting as an agent, you are acting wholly illegally.   

Hi Modicasa,Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it. You seem to be very knowledgable.What do you think of the Ciocaria region? Are there other towns that you would recommend being near that don't have a large price tag attached to them.I am looking for something within an easy driving distance of the Rome or Milan area. I am not in the UK with the budget airlines to Pescara, Pergulia etc.Any comments would be appreciated.Kind regards,Kim 

I am a bit surprised, Kim, reading that you want something similar to what you are used to in Tuscany, but you are looking into other regions... Tuscany has two international airports at Pisa and Florence, and excellent services and communication facilities. Some 7 years ago and after a 2 year search, we bought a second home in Bagni di Lucca (LU) and we have not regretted it. Centrally located, we travel to many other places throughout Italy without any problems and within easy reach. We can go skiing to Abetone or to the seaside in an hour... Our children, who live in California, say that it was an excellent choice...In any case, good luck with your search and do not rush. It takes time to find the right place. smiley

Hi Gala,Unfortunately we do not have airlines that fly directly into any other cities but Rome or Milan. So it is a bit limiting if I want to be within a 2 - 3 hour drive from the airport.I have thought of your area and have planned a visit. As you may have read in my posts I found a terrific property in Abruzzo, but in the end because of legalities the purchase did not go through.I am heading to Italy for a ten day house hunting trip and am seeing some properties up your way.You are 100% right that it is not good to rush!winkThanks.Kim