I am looking to relocate from the USA

04/21/2015 - 16:13

I am looking to relocate from the USA to Italy. I am in need of a Real Estate Agent and or Attorney that speaks English. Anyone have a recomendation? I am a dual citizen and am hoping to start a small business. I am not sure of the Region I want to be in at this point but would like warmer climates and near water would be a plus. Thank you in advance for your help. 




I work together with a real estate agent who has representatives in several regions. We have all the specialists 'inhouse' and if needed all the connections you need when buying a house, have a look at our website www.italiacasa.net
For advice in construction and landscaping there is Bisconti Case & Giardini www.bisconti.eu

Coen Vreeke

Italy is big, not as big as the US, but big enough to mean that a real estate agent in the north wont list houses in the south.  When you know where you want to be, you can zone in and find an agent in the area.  Alot of people say they are agents - they are not.  You must have a licence to be a legaly agent in Italy - I recommend searching the FIAIP.it site which lists legal FIAIP agents all over the country.  The system is different to that of the States, and listings are usually of one agent only - they are not 'franchised' out as in teh US: 

Cara Italian12, I have used this company in the past, and thay are very efficient, I am sure Marco will be more than happy to help wherever possible.www.propertyexpertsitaly.comGood luckKica

speriamo comunque che la Bella Italian 12 , trovi in Italia una casa e magari anche l'amore ... qui siamo a crescita zero ( sole24 ore di oggi ) , e se seguita in questo modo , addio Italia !   wink

Hi, Good Luck with your move. I have just purchased a property after a two year search. I could not have done it without my most wonderful and talented lawyer Cristina Mattei. Cristina is an American Italian, brought up in Philadelpia (grandparents in Abruzzo) and law school in Rome. She is based in Pescara (Abruzzo) and I was recommended to her by a builder and geometra. I will be forever grateful: www.matteilaw.net . Her email is there. She is GREAT! And it doesn't matter where you end up buying. She will be able to help.I have bought in Arpino, Frosinone, a lovely undiscovered town. I bought from a wonderful woman and her Italian husband. Her email is kyliecossa@gmail.com She is Australian and she came back to live in the town her husband grew up in after he spent 30 years in Sydney. They have very unusual properties which is what attracted me.As you have been told and will find out, there is NO MULTILISTINGS in Italy. Every NEIGHBORHOOD practically has their own agency. Google Translate will be your new best friend if you look on the Italian sites. No broker except perhaps Coen (who seems absolutely lovely) will represent any properties that are not listed with them. It just is not worth their time financially. I had appointments to visit properties with Coen, but I fell in love with Arpino and a palazzo just a few meters from the main piazza and decided that this is where I wanted to buy. I got it at a price I can afford.Buying in any foreign country is not an easy task. But I didn't find Italy any more complicated than anywhere else. Every country has it things.. and Italy has its things. If you are really planning to move to Italy, I would first decide where you want to live and then tackle the process in stages.Good Luck!Kim