Is anyone out there going to add their

optimusma Image
08/23/2015 - 08:42

Is anyone out there going to add their voice to the outcry against Usocapione[Adverse Possession], where mere employees can steal your entire property, simply because you did not come to your land for a while. No one would agree with the seizing of their Estate, so it has to be done Fraudulently or Duplicitously, as it was done to us. The Mammanas insisted they were tending to the land for us and only us.                                                                              Make as a petition- add your name as an outcry against this vehemently EVIL law.                                         It ruined my life. I thought as my grandmother, that my inheritence was secure. It would have been if the Mammanas were honest. Instead they stole every parcel of land, including our last house. We thought we would be in the right, but they showed the ineptitude and lack of Justice of the Italian legal system.                                                                                                                                                                                                               This topic is most important[shelter]. Only food and water surpasses it. If I were not in a Rent Controlled apartment , I would be homeless.                             DON Jerome Marullo, Noble of Messina



Usucapione in various forms exists in eveyr country.  You didnt understand Italian law, and under Italian law they acted.  That is your fault, for not knowing the law.  There is nothing you can do.  Move on.