Can anyone please advise. My husband

lookingformydream Image
09/22/2015 - 07:11

Can anyone please advise. My husband and I are looking for a property in the Abruzzo area. We will not be living in it as we will have to do work on it(mainly decorating and updating) no structural. Is it quite safe to leave property for long periods of time ie 5-6 months at a time?Thankyou



I assume it is to be a holiday home? If not and it's to be a live 6 month here and there, there is a bigger problem than just security. We have been living there 5 years plus, but have left the house for 5 months at times. No problem whatsoever as far as security is concerned, but friends less than one kilometre up the same road has been broken into twice. Others we know of in other areas have also been broken into more than once. Saying that many, many more we know have never had a problem. I think exactly where you live has a big impact on the matter and how you live! Can’t be sure of this but our friends had a people carrier KIA with GB plates outside, we have a 2 door Punto with Italian plates. They live just off the main road, well in view of passing cars, we live off the same road, but up a drive over 200m long where you can’t really see the house. They have been there a few years longer and are known in the area as they both speak good Italian, one almost fluent. They even attend church every Sunday, so are seen around the place when there. Their house outwardly is in much better state of repair than ours, although a lot smaller. I know it’s a worry when you first start out as it was for us and still is of some concern when we leave the place. However overall I think it’s a lot safer place than most of the UK, but you still need to take “normal” precautions.

Thank you for the reply. We don't intend to live there yet. We would be "doing up" over a couple of years. Then we would "holiday" a few times a year until we retire which is not for 10 years(unfortunately). We could look at renting out but not too sure on that side of things. We are looking at the Abruzzo area. 

Well best of luck on what sounds like a great adventure, which we really know it is smiley Abruzzo (where we live) is a rugged, but beautiful place, but every place we have been to in Italy has been like that - yes we love the country!

We used the estate agent in the area that we were looking... The website of the one we used is. was very helpful all be it she doesn't speak English but between our basic Italian and a translator we managed. One thing is try and get a good lawyer that speaks both English and Italian. Someone on here will know doubt be able to recommend one.   Abruzzo is a lovely place with lovely people.  My mother in law has had a house there for 30 years plus and goes 3 times a year and has never been broken into to or had any probs. We purchased our 'renovation ' in 2011 and also have had no problem. Getting friendly with the neighbours is a must we have wonderful neighbour who check in on our house when we are not there....  All the very best in your search :-))))

Thank you for your reply. We will defiantly make sure we get a lawyer that speaks and understands the Italian property law. I understand the buying process is a bit different than the UK! We are doing Our research & hopefully will make a trip over to view some properties soon. Our main concern was leaving the property for long periods at a time.