Hi everyone,We are British couple

12/28/2015 - 05:21

Hi everyone,
We are British couple looking to relocate to Le Marche. We currently live in Belgium (our home for 16 years), but we feel our time here has come to an end and we are looking to make Italy our new home. I have the possibility of a teaching job in Ancona (I am an English language teacher) which is why we are looking at Le Marche. My question is: does anyone know of any rental properties around Ancona or Jesi? We have cats so the property would ideally be rural or semi rural. We would be looking to spend around 500 euros per month and we are looking to move perhaps in May 2016. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks everyone!



Thanks for that @LargeLewis We've actually already done that. I have bookmarked probably a dozen property sites, and have an agent in Jesi looking for property for us. We have had no luck thus far, and we read that some people rent privately, rather than going through an agent. We have a reccie planned in the New Year, to have a look round for ourselves, but I thought "Well, hey! If you don't ask, you don't get" Hence my post. Thanks again for answering though. ☺

I half thought you might have looked :) It is worth a try here (and other places) as we rented in Abruzzo before buying and did the very same thing and ended up renting a beautiful house for over 5 months. if nothing else this bumps your post! Good luck...

Thanks @scpino! Is your friend's school looking for teachers by any chance? Although I already have a possibility for a job, I'm making plans b, c and d in case things don't go according to plan!
Thanks again, and Happy New Year!

His name is Frank D'Allesandro he's fluent in both Italian and Englishthe school is in Lanciano, Abruzzo.I'll look for his most current telephone number.  It's the only English school in the area.  CheersJoe