We are planning a trip to Italy soon

PamelaPeri Image
01/18/2015 - 14:02

We are planning a trip to Italy soon and have started to work with a company called LuxoItalia. So far, they have been incredible to work with because their service has been terrific. Has anyone had any experience with this company--or know of them?



Hi Pamela, how was the trip? would you recommend them?I'm planning a trip to Italy and I was googling these guys at www.luxoitalia.com. I love their website and they answered quite fast but I was wondering if they really deliver what they promise. I also found reviews on Facebook and all the people there are extremly happy but wanted to hear from somebody who actually tried them. Thanks!

Oh gosh if I only immagined somebody would comment like that! Well I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not affiliated with them... I used the link simply because if you google Luxo Italia you get also some other companies. And I suppose that if they were looking for clients commenting an old post inside an unknown forum after one year probably they would be bankrupt already surprise What about you modicasa? Are you so desperate that you need a company account on this forum to find clients? Be serious guys... Anyway since I don't get any useful comment here I'll trust their reviews on facebook. I've checked the profiles of the people who commented there and I don't see fake profiles. Or maybe modicasa has some doubts on these too laughlaughlaugh

Now, now! I think Modi made a mistake, but he has been here a very long time and is allowed more than a little leeway on this occasion. Particularly in view of all the great information he has provided here and on other forums. Reading many of his posts in our own  adventure buying here in Italy he provided so much balanced info we could have not done without. It would be impossible for him to use this to boost his business and I just wish he was on a few other forums I read to provide such impartial information. That said if it were volatile little me on the end of this, I would also be very peeved! angel

Hello,Do you have any news on this company?I am planning a trip to Italy and their website and reviews are really cool.Thanks