I am sending a container of household

02/03/2016 - 18:34

I am sending a container of household goods from U.S. to Umbria.  I have Italan passport as well as Codice Fiscale and AIRE.  I do not have residenza.  Can anyone tell me what % I will need to pay in duty?  Grazie,  Lisa 



You will have to pay about 10% of the cost, but if its all new stuff it could be 22% It depends what it is exactly too, and on the value the customs put on it... You cannot know for certain before they tell you, in my experience. 

You must be resident at the moment of the import to claim exemptions, that is the problem.  However as you are in AIRE you may sneak in through the back door - but 33% seems ery high, I ve never had a client who has paid that much.  

Itstands for residente al estero  - ie resident in another country but Italian citizens.  The poster does not have residency in Italy, but it an Italian national.  This means that the state gives certain benefits - exemption from IMU for example.  It does not mean she is exempt from customs duties.  

Its been so long, I can't remember what we paid in taxes on our 20 foot container.  We listed it as used household goods, which it was, and paid very little.  We're also in Umbria if you need any other type of assistance.  Good luck...

Have gone through this process myself.   Paid zero dogana; all legit and did no tomfoolery.  As examples, you might want to see:  http://www.ambwashingtondc.esteri.it/ambasciata_washington/it/informazioni_e_servizi/rientri-definitivi-in-italia.html and/or http://www.conssanfrancisco.esteri.it/Consolato_SanFrancisco/Menu/I_Servizi/Per_i_cittadini/Anagrafe/11.+Rimpatrio+in+Italia.htm    But as Modicasa points out, sometimes nascondersi adds spice to life so sneak if you must....

Hi Lisa, we are sort of neighbors. Our house in the other side of hills near Tavernelle.we live in NY. I’m currently arranging a container shipment. I am about to apply for Elective Residency. I have everything I need except patience.i had started the shipment scheduling when I learned how long the application would take. I’m considering paying the duty fees.how were your fees calculated? All our belongings are old/ used. A few pieces of furniture, boxes of books, fabrics, household goods. I’d love to see some documentation on how the charges are levied. Who decides what something is worth. any advice from your experience would be appreciated.thanks,jane

We did pay duty fees as we are not residents.  I believe you do not have to pay duty if you are a resident.  If memory serves me correctly it was not 'killer' - think 10%.  We were extremely nervous during the whole process.  My husband was sure the container ship would 'tip' (this can actually happen) and we would loose all our belongings.   Plus the ship was arriving at Naples and then another truck was bringing the shipment to to Ficulle where it was changed into a smaller truck in order to make it up our hill and across the bridge....We also had purchased quite a few things in the U.S. as everything seems harder to find and more expensive in Italy.  The movers wrapped everything within an inch of its life so no one knew if it was old or new.  We were aware that Customs could decide to open a box - which they did - but nothing happened.  I'm sorry the trail has gone a bit cold for me as far as documentation.  Just try and get a mover that you can trust.  As far as Italy we know Tavernelle as we frequent a great paint store there called MAFF.  We love to meet new people.  Will be there from 20 March for a few weeks. Don't hesitate to get in touch.  A presto,  Lisawww.casalecrete.com

Thanks so much for your reply!my main question now is - who or what decides what is the value of an item to then charge the 10%?I”ve got a mover involved. We were proceeding assuming I had already achieved Residency.I’m trying to decide if I should wait a few months or go forward and risk paying duty fees. If they are comprabile to the costs of an extra trip to Italy just to deal with the documentation procedure it might be worth it. where in the US are you?our Italian home is in Oro, the first little hamlet up from Tavernelle at the Est exit from the new highway. I do know MAFF. The Ferramenta right in Tavernelle is good also. very best,Jane

Hi Jane.  In actuality, you decide what your goods are worth.  We set the value on the low side so as not to pay more money.  So do you mean you are becoming residents of Italy? We decided against this and just have passport, codice fiscale and A.I.R.E.  Works for us.We live most of the year in Coral Gables, Florida.  We love to spend time in Ficulle, but I am a sucker for my three grandchildren so do not like to be away more than 4 weeks at a clip.   We have lots of fun antiqueing and shopping for vintage finds.  The house is actually two houses that are attached and we only rent the smaller one when we are not there.  In true Italian fashion (confusion), my husband Arturo is shown as owning one home and I am shown on the deed for the other 'for tax purposes'.  Allora.  BTW.  How is your Italian?  Parli???

Hi Lisa, it’s so good to make contact. It’s not my heritage but I have learned Italian pretty well. I’m learning more every day.I bought a vacation home with British cousins 11 years ago. In 2013 my partner Stewart and I started looking for a project to restore and we found our home in Oro.Both properties are in the same area. Oro is much closer to services. The vacation home is further up a mountain road. I do want to get Elective Residency. I’m also working on an Irish Passport from my Grandfather’s heredity.Interesting you decide what your items are worth. We are keen thrift store shoppers. Everything we will take is old and bought for a fraction of its original retail value.Did your movers give you a list to fill out of values you declared?In Italy too we spend much of our time shopping at mercatini and with a couple of friends who are sellers of old stuff. I’m on Facebook if you do that.Jane Masterson A dopo e grazie,Jane

Hi Jane.  This is my email address so that we can chat more informally.  lisadenunzio@icloud.com.  I have previously sent you our website and also have an Instagram which I use to hopefully draw attention to the house and the area.    https://www.instagram.com/casalecrete/   I am not on Facebook so am unable to see your page.Yes, the movers give you a page to fill out. It also needs to be translated into Italian, but in an informal way - not notarized like most forms in Italy.As we have now made this connection and knowing that you own rental property as well, I would like to ask you a few questions.  Our mastery of Italian is improving, but has ways to go......so we are never sure if we are being taken advantage of mostly in reference to caretakers, cleaners, etc.   Can you share with me what you pay for someone to open and close the house when guests arrive?  We are paying 60 euro to open and 60 to close.   We do pay separately for cleaning.Perhaps we can meet in Tavernelle for a coffee or pranzo when we arrive in March.  Look forward to hearing from you.Best,  Lisa - lisadenunzio@icloud.com