Hello,We have a house in the Rassina

02/29/2016 - 21:49

Hello,We have a house in the Rassina area of Arezzo Tuscany and are looking for an interior decorating service.Suggestions on reputable persons are much appreciated. Thank you.



although not in the same area, we can put together design proposals, renderings, and product suggestions from major retailers and brands. We can design bespoke furniture and have craftsmen produce and deliver them. My team works all over Italy; in particular, we have connections who can work/assist on site in Tuscany.
You can check our website to see if you like what we do: www.gap-studio.it . As far as our reputation is concerned: http://www.italiandreamhouse.com/testimonials/
Feel free to get in touch with me for any further information,
kind regards
Elisabetta Tovo

Interior design styleObviously much depends on the style that you are seeking - if you are loohing for something that might go into Elle Decoration then I suggest you go to Sestini e Corti at Bettolle.  They started in 'recupero' - architectural salvage - but now have their own range of furniture and have worked on decoration projects for bars, restaurants and private houses.www.sestiniecorti.it > arredo > internoPaolo and Jacopo are both charming and very imaginative.

Interesting site robbie, thanks. Mind for some reason your link is not found when I clickd it. However on a search I came up with this link  for them, which worked but looks exactly the same? To be honest I've actually put the link again to see if it works this time...