After 7 years of fighting planners our

03/07/2016 - 04:39

After 7 years of fighting planners our modest 25sqm extension has been approved.I would like to continue to use our existing Geometra but the fees are eye wateringly expensiveCalcoli Strutturali e Collaudo Statico (concrete calculations and static test) ................. € 1.800,00Relazione Geologica (geological report) ........................................................................ € 400,00Direzione Lavori e Collaudo Amministrativo (construction supervision) ...................... € 2.500,00Coordinatore Sicurezza Cantiere (Safety Coordinator of the building site) ................... € 800,00Variazione Catastale (catasto variation) ......................................................................... € 500,00 The total cost of the project will not exceed €35k and of course IVA and pension costs go on top of these figures I was originally quoted a percentage figure which I rejected and the above are the fixed priced alternatives. I know fees in Italy are expensive and I plan to go back and ask for a sconto on the construction supervision and the safety co-ordinator but would be interested to know other peoples experiences.



Thanks Ronco and Modicasa.

Yes it has been a long haul. I think we only survived by building another house in the UK which was a useful diversion.

As suggested, yesterday I went back to the Geometra and asked for a discount and dangled the carrot of being on TV (our UK house build was filmed by Channel 4 and they have expressed an interest in the Italian project) which he seemed quite keen on and said he will speak to the other engineer and geologist.

So from what has been said I am not expecting anything massive but it is good to know that the quotes are not outside the norm.

Thanks again

Hi Milky, I am a UK architect based in north Italy and I am afraid that I don’t find the fees, as you quoted, very shocking.I sympathize with you 100%, after waiting 7 years (that is very long! even by Italian standards) you must be extremely frustrated and demoralized. I am all too familiar with this scenario, the long time for getting Permission is a terrible drain of patience and a multitude of resources – it is the highest cost in my opinion.I also understand that the extension is tiny - costing under 35K, it is very small indeed. However even for a very small project the required professional duties will not differ enormously from a big project – so the fee does not look mad to me. Also worth noting is that the Comune has most likely insisted on the structural calculations and tests and likewise for the geological report, which is, of course, correct that the Comune should be asking for those things, but it is an another extra cost for you to bear, from which Geometra is unlikely to earn anything, as Modicasa says, looks like your Geometra negotiated a good price for the Geological report. It is not much consolation to you, but just so as you know, it is usually closer to €1000 for Geological report prepared to be submitted to the Comune.    .       It is always worth asking for a discount from the Geometra and the Engineer who will do the calcs. in most cases you will get a discount, it may however be a modest one.The best of luck, Ronco   

Hi Milky and all others,I hope everything is good and well for those in this thread....This one is actually for you Ronco...Dear sir,I’m James, an English Architectural Designer who is moving to Varese, Italy in February and seeking learning and work opportunities.I found your profile on here, the Italy Magazine which linked me to your business webpage.I understand you are originally from UK and so I thought I’d fire a few questions in direction as to how I might go about fitting in in Italy, if that’s okay with you?I'd be very grateful for your reply!Wishing you all the very best in any case, James 

Hi. We have a house that is registerd in the Catstro with the following catagories. A/2,C/2 and C/3. To fix this and get it registerd to only A/2 we have to pay 2.500 Euro.How does this work match with your list?Espen