RAI, Enel and TV licenceHi, I have a

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04/18/2016 - 13:24

RAI, Enel and TV licenceHi, I have a house between Florence and Arezzo and it is a second house (i.e. not my prima casa and I don't have residency status). I use it about 4-5 weeks a year and don't let it out commercially at all. An Italian friend has informed me that the Italian parliament has decided that the TV licence fee (100 Euro per year) will be included on Enel electricity bills AUTOMATICALLY from 1st July UNLESS you fill in a form to opt out (see http://www.dionidream.com/documentazione-ufficiale-esenzione-canone-rai/). I don't have an aerial or cable or broadband (although do have an old TV which I am willing to dispose of if necessary!) so Idon't need a TV licence as I don't watch TV there.Does anyone else know about this and if it applies to a seconda casa (i.e. non-residency house for which I pay a higher TASI than prima casa)? From the comments at the above website, it seems the form is the usual awkward submission (!) to do correctly (and I am not even sure you could send it from the UK).Advice anyone please?ThanksSimon


Think you will find they may not pay, but you are liable to do so by virtue of having a TV in the house!  Having a pc that can connect is, as I read it, NOT a cause for needing to pay... Now paying or not is a different matter altogether. I would suspect you are on a none resident tariff and therefore unlikely to be charged ...

The High Court has decided that the decree was worded badly - including the definition of 'tv set' and therefore it looks like there will be a delay.  However, techincally you should only be charged if you have a resdient tariff on your electricity bill.  

Depends how you look at it. Legally (court apart) you will be liable if you have a tv, Modi is most likely correct in saying you will not be charged, but then you have the problem of just how do you get your licence for that tv...

I have the same problem. I have a house in Sicily and I have a D3 non resident account with Enel. I tried to confirm on an official site like Agenzia Entrate or Rai if I have to send the form so that I will not pay but I could not find the information. I only found that those who have D3 non residents should not pay on non official sites. Not sure what to do. Connie

too easy, Steve, for the twisted brains, employees of the tax office -  Not just the death certificate, serves a declaration signed by the dead man, claiming to be dead ... for this right (?) reason - the declaration to the effect that the person does not own a TV, to have a valid response has been received, it must be sent by PEC (certified electronic mail), by a person holding a PEC .. . for example, an accountant - Which certainly will ask at least 150 euro to send this question of not paying 110 euro .. ....