PIemonte B&B plans still moving

04/15/2016 - 08:04

PIemonte B&B plans still moving forward - but can anyone advise what taxes and social security payments would be due on income/net profit?   Getting very mixed messages from different sites!  Would be two of us resident onsite and running this place.Yes I will be seeking formal business support and a commercialista if we get that far, but advanced advice from all of you experts out there would be much appreciated!Thanks



Mixed messages are because it all depends on personal situation, laws change constantly and there are regional laws and national laws.... I'd advice you to go speak with an Italian accountant, explain your situation and hopefully he / she will be able to help you understand more clearly about all those costs. I know a few in the South-Piedmont area who speak English, if you mail to natascha@advitalia.be, she will send you their contact information.

Everything depends on whether you are running it as a business and therefore VAT registered or not.  And that depends on where you live, your property and your personal circumstances.  Then your taxes and ss payments are due on your tax status and personal circumstances so its impossible to give hard and fast rules.   It will more than you ever thought possible though! 

THanks Modicasa. We would be VAT registered as operating too much as a business and for longer than the potential time restrictions on traditional B&Bs.  I'll engage my accountant on this one I think.Thanks for responding.

Hiplease check this link http://www.regione.piemonte.it/turismo/cms/strutture-ricettive/affittacamere.htmlIt gives the necessary infos about what you have to do. A bilingual tax consultant will help you in understanding which is the more convenient way to do it, depending also on the number of rooms/apartment you are going to rent. It is better to hire a local accountant anyway,  there are many in the area.RegardsMaria Cristina