Hi there,  I am planning a trip to

07/30/2016 - 17:22

Hi there,  I am planning a trip to Abruzzo in September 2016.  I am looking to explore purchasing a property for my retirement (my dream).....Any suggestions on areas to visit....a sea view would be great .....under €150,000.   Also any suggestions on where to stay while there for a good holiday as well.   We will be 3 pals travelling together.     Grazie Mile.    



Ciao Anne.   We can't offer you a sea view here in Sulmona but we can offer you plenty else besides.  I think anywhere nearish to the sea is wonderful from about May to October but if you plan to retire here you may find that coastal areas are a little sad and deserted off season.  We are in a very strategic position here with lots to offer and plenty to do and see year round.  There is a very good, Egnlish language website all about Sulmona if you want to Google it.  You'll find lots of helpful info and inspiration photos on it too.  Do give it some consideration.  Good luck with your property search - there are lots of super properties out there.  

Perhaps Tartufa is too shy to post the link to her town, this is it http://welcometosulmona.com/ Not visited it yet, but it looks lovely, however it is not very near the sea... You may have to give a better idea of what life style you prefer to get feedback on where to live and/or visit for a holiday. Both Pineto and Vasto are well liked seaside locations, with the latter being much larger and likely to have more going on in winter. Further north there is also Rosetto, which we've have visited, but only to go to the beach. All of these places have train access, so good for any house. Depending on your preferences e.g. quiet/lively any of these resorts can all be classed as holiday - all get busy. I would say Pineto is the quiet one of the 3. If it will only be a holiday home then living by the sea if fine, we would live there in winter, but most I reckon would not.

The coastal strip around Pescara wasn't to my taste: not very scenic and overdeveloped for the seaside holiday trade. I drove down the coast though, and the further South I got, the more it looked like my idea of the "real" Italy. (Probably an imaginary Italy in my head!)But I liked inland Abruzzo more. Sulmona is beautiful. I haven't been to L'Aquila since the 2009 earthquake, but I hope it has recovered (and recovered from Berlusconi's "help" as well).

Good points by Mr Stefano. As mentioned above, IMHO Vasto is really the only seaside 'town' with any kind of character and year-round life.  Property will be cheaper elsewhere but there's a good reason for that!

Hi I am currently in Abruzzo staying in Lanciano looking at property and enjoying the weather. I have travelled to San Vito Marino on the bus from Lanciano €3 return with a great bus service from Lanciano bus station. San Vito Marino is gorgeous and the beach is blue flag , it's a boutique town full of Italians with the odd English speakers . But definately worth a visit . I'm staying in the old part of Lanciano and this is noisy - I can hear the people a cross the narrow st going up and down their stairs - but I find the transport between places poor ,different bus companies in different areas and train station outside of town . But beach fantastic 

Nice to hear of a different beach being praised, thanks we will have to see if we can get down there, is it Marina di San Vito? Not too sure if you find the transport good or bad, or perhaps it is it just good between Lanciano and the beach? I agree it is a rural bus service in places, hence only one or two buses a day from some, but I get the impression they are reliable and cheap?

Hi Steve ,yes from the bus station in Lanciano the service was great - buses running every half he and good service back - to San Vito Marino There was also an Di Fonzo bus but I couldn't work out where the station or office was and when I went on line - the service seemed very limited .but seemingly there is a point along the coast heading to Vasto where there is an interchange for many buses. I have met an agent who is going to check for me. Hope this helps a bit 

Hi Steve where are you located and what's it like - just so I can get an ideai have travelled here with my elderly mother and have relied to public transport and have found 1 agent based in Pescara really helpful but not all like that . Would appreciate any local knowledge for example I found using the prontobus weird as you think they are bringing you to Lanciano ? But instead they drop you on the outskirts - luckily the owners of house which we are in collected us - life savers ciao 

Hi went with an agent today along the coast from Lanciano to Vasto - and it was gorgeous - by the way I'm a co down woman looked at Gissi  lovely house , my budget not as big as yours but too small an area I am going to stay around the Lanciano / Pescara areaBut abruzzo is small and nice Good luck ,  

Hi Anne I had meant to say that that whole coastline from Lanciano to Vasto was gorgeous , there was one area beginning with an f - look it up but the part of it linked to a marina was gorgeous - the agent I had stopped at the coast and drove the coast rd not on motorwaypescara was bombed a lot in the war , do it has lost a lot of its old charm but seemingly a very vibrant city  with a good coast. coastal areas are all quiet out of season but they then have another appeal, they take on  different personna Also Abruzzo is a working area - tourism for Italians and lots of places close down from 1pm through to 5/6 These are simply my thoughts from what I am seeing at present 

That's great M.  Thanks a mil.    I'm still very much in the 'thinking about it' stage.  I read some good advice on here which was to Rent for a few months to a year to really see how it goes......so when the time comes I might do that.  Wishing you all the best with your travels and adventures.      Anne 

Thanks I am going to look at a couple of properties tomorrow - not old or beautiful but I have realised that's not important when ur here - u need outside space and somewhere that u can make clean and tidy / the vista and area is important as the weather is excellentalso beware people do not speak English in abruzzo - it is Italian and full of Italian tourists , but I am getting by and do find the odd waiter who speaks English to help me with my very poor Italian good luck