Realtor Recommendations Southern Marche

08/12/2016 - 17:31

Realtor Recommendations Southern Marche and House Closing CostsWe have been looking in southern Marche for a house for quite a long time and have not been impressed with the estate agents we have met.  Most of the places we were shown seemed like they were houses that no one would want.  Does anyone know of any reputable agents or geometras they could recommend who might be able to help us find what we are looking for?Also, what is realistic to expect for house closing costs?  We are USA/Italian dual citizens and will be moving over full-time to live.  I know that the house taxes should be 4%, anticipate that realtor fees will be 3%.  Are the notaio fees typically 1%?  If we chooses to use a lawyer, what are those fees generally?  (We do not need an attorney who speaks English.)We are planning on coming over early September to hopefully view some houses.



In reply to by Ugo

Thanks very much for the suggestions, Ugo.  We did spend some time with these second realtor but were not successful finding anything. We also weren't that impressed with her but I don't want to go into that in the open Forum.There are also very mixed reviews of dealing with her from people I know who have used her agency.We have not seen anything with the first agency but may try them again.  We had contacted them once but by the time they got back to us, we had gone to Italia and returned! If anyone in southern Marche has had good luck with any of the local agents, please do post their name so we can contact them. 

Thanks very much for the suggestions.  We had gone around with his wife, Gabriella, several times but have not been shown anything we wanted to buy.  We were even shown a rudere, in a very isolated area, which was of no interest.  So far, we have not encountered an agent who is really listening to what we are looking for.

Finding the right estate agent can be difficult and I've read about so many bad experiences. The two guys on this forum give a lot of good advice and I'm sure one if not both have said before to make sure the estate agent you use is licenced. I’m pretty sure an agent I know here once told me they had to by law have their licence details on their website?

Unfortunately, LegeLewis  ,  The fact of having a license does not guarantee the professionalism of a real estate agent . Which is mainly given by the experience, rather than by passing a qualifying exam And also it would be good to check how many messages he wrote here, who suggests something or someone... (the wise few words ..) I'm usually . always , personally check ,  the professionalism and reliability of professionals that suggest and this control ,is based on experiences shared with my clients. 

Lisa sometimes is it necessary  to be very clear in requests, and not leave the initiative, to the real estate agent, otherwise you may go to 5 meters from the property you're looking for, without being presented to you . And so you should ask>  we want a house consisting of xx rooms, with a large / small reading room , with / without a fireplace, and a room for the kitchen (in Italian - abitable kitchen), with xx bathrooms, on a single / double deck, with / without the pool, with a xxx square meters garden - or perhaps a plot to put the horse. This house must be at  xx km from a country village , from an airport - from the beach ... And we want to spend no more than € xxxxmila. She did this?It did not, okay thank you, good day.

In reply to by Ugo

Hi Ugo,Aeg did not get back to US until we were back in the US. As far as Monica, we had asked to see 2 specific houses and asked if there were others as well that she had for us to see.  At the time, our budget was less as the dollar was very bad.  Also, we are able to spend some more now that we have sold our business.One of the houses was not nice at all.  The other we thought had possibilities.  We brought a very good Italian builder back with us to see the one we thought could be promising and he pointed out something that we had not thought about.  There was a very large hill right across the drive from the house and he told us that the house would be in the shadows and thus cold, until 11 in the morning.  The agent was not pleased when he told us this and more or less wanted us to ignore our friend's advice.  However, we saw the property about 7 years ago and it is still for sale, with a price of about 80,000 euros less than the original asking price, so obviously there is a problem! She did not make any attempt to show us anything else and did not seem interested in helping us.  It seemed to us that unless you had a lot of money to spend, that she was not interested.  We have heard from others that if she feels someone is not serious that she does not put in any effort.We know of other stories that are not good but I do not want to write them here.  

Lisa our agent was a very nice man and showed us loads of houses over more than 18 month! Many, many were not what we had asked to see and were totally rubbish. However one of these house, which we called the "prison house" when we looked at in on-line and after viewing it, we ended up buying it and don't regret it for a minute. I understand the distance you are coming from makes it not quite as easy, but seeing all those bad houses did give us something to compare. The other side of it was things like the very one you mention i.e. we came to be very discerning about what to look for and could curtail viewings at times before even getting inside. Have you already been in contact with the agent Modicasa mentioned? It’s a well-known major agent and one we used to look at houses, but never actually used to view. Don’t know what it is like in the USA with agents, but I guess very much different to here in Italy as it is to the UK. We tried 2-3 agent here with viewings, but most with the guy we bought through as we had much more trust in him and he was dogged … Do hope you find an agent that suits you.

In reply to by Lisa C.

Sorry for being vague Lisa, but 'm never too sure what you can put on these forums. You posted the same on another forum where Modicasa said to "Look for houses on". I believe this is them in this LINK here . We used ItalianCasa here, but I'm sure their perfomance will vary according to who you get to deal with on the ground.

Thanks very much Steve.  Yes, is just an aggregate site which I check often.  I appreciate the link to the one you used as the more feedback we get, the better! You are right, it is very difficult coming from so far away, once a year for a few weeks, to try and find what we are looking for.  If we don't this trip, we will rent in a year and hopefully find the right property.

Hi Lisa , you try Abruzzo ?  There have best prices than Marche and ..more , as you read italian , because do not try to  go  at  > similar italian websites ?

In reply to by Ugo

Hi Ugo,Yes, we have spent some time in the Abruzzo and while my husband likes it quite a lot, in parts, I really do prefer southern Marche.

In reply to by Ugo

Thanks Ugo, I do use but will try to put in some other towns to see if anything different pops up.  yes

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