Does anyone know the approximate cost

10/16/2015 - 11:05

Does anyone know the approximate cost of installing a septic tank? We are going to install a third WC into our house near Ghivizzano in Tuscany and have been told that the existing tank will need to be upgraded with a third chamber or we should install a new tank which will involve less construction work externally to the house to access the existing tank?We would be grateful for your experienced views. Many thanks. 



Who told you you need a new tank?An extra toilet doesn't necessarily mean more going into the existing tank - it could be the same 'volume', but from different sources.Unless its an official Comune requirement, [rather than someone else saying you should (rather than must) do it], don't bother.

Thank you alan h for your comments. Unfortunately as the existing tank installed only 23 years ago, has only 2 chambers a 3rd chamber is now required to meet current regulations. This is apparently now a Commune requirement and the house is unsaleable without upgrading the tank. I take your point though which was also raised by our builders but get a geometra get involved and then you can start budgeting for the costs of preparation for a sale.

I have just been to a book launch of a book called 'Buying and Restoring in Tuscany'  A Practical Guide by David Collins, a consulting engineer originally from Ireland who specialises in refurbishments, alterations, structural works and does house surveys for potential buyers.This book may already have been mentioned in this magazine, and is available in Kindle form from Amazon.An interesting read and useful for owners and potential owners. 

Dawn,'Current Regulations'  usually apply to new 'installations [tanks not loos] and are not usually retrospective. [imagine the case of every house doing up its septic tank! - its not logical]Who has said that you must change the tank?  If its not directly from the Comune, you need written confirmation from the Comune before doing it

In reply to by alan h

Hi Alan
Our Geometra has said that in order to sell the house the septic tank needs to be upgraded or changed altogether because it does not comply etc If you do not move house or add a new WC then you do nothing until you want to sell the house - then you will need to do the work in order to get the paperwork through the Notary. Just sayin'

Depending on the land I'd say 4 hours with the digger at 50-60 an hour, then maybe 600-800 for the concrete tanks, 250 for the pipes and finally the labour costs. Total, 2000 max plus the permissions, It's quite a simple job. I did one for our new bathroom not too long ago. I did most of the work myself, but the digger can do loads in a few hours. Don't put toilet paper down the drain though or you'll have problems.

Dawn,Sorry to keep banging on about this, but you say"Our Geometra has said that in order to sell the house the septic tank needs to be upgraded or changed altogether because it does not comply etc ...."I strongly suggest you ask someone who sells houses in your area [Estate Agent] whether this is true - I cannot see how a requirement that is perfectly acceptable on new builds, can apply retrospectively to an existing property.  [None of the, (old) houses up for sale near me are having new septic tanks fitted]. I think your Geometra is confusing 'nice to have' with 'essential' 

Hi AlanI am afraid that having your house up for sale and selling it are two different things. I have run this past another consulting engineer who also acts as a geometra out here and he, David Collins, confirms what our first geometra has said - you might be interested in his book 'Buying and Restoring in Tuscany' A Practical guide - can be purchased from Amazon I understand. It is not clear what happens in a situation when the vendor cannot afford to upgrade their septic tank? I have a third geometra in mind to run this past but fear the answer will not change! Thanks again for your input though.

Final comment from me on this. If you cannot afford to upgrade or replace your septic tank if required, before a sale, I believe that the purchaser would make a deduction from the price to reflect their costs of having to do the work.

The law on septic tanks has changed a bit over recent years - and now the 'permission' needs to be renewed every 3 or 4 years, and in some cases/regions/provinces accompanied by a certificate that there has been a spurgo.   Septic tan requirements are not based on the number of bathrooms but on the amount of beds/occupants - 6 people using one loo will still produce the same amount as 6 people using 2.   Each comune can decide their own rules.  It also depends on whether its only for acqua nera or alsofor acqua grigia.  

I am sure that you are correct Modicasa. In our case we were, as mentioned at the start, going to be required to either add a 3rd chamber to our old septic tank or we had to install a new one. Without this the 'urban position' of the property could not be verified for a change of ownership from our mother to my brother and I who inherited the property from her. As we intended to install a new WC in an incomplete bathroom on the opposite side of the house to the old tank, it was deemed better to install a new septic tank to which the drainage run would be easier and less expensive lto install. It would also have been difficult to have added a 3rd chamber to the existing tank which was located under tiling adjacent to the swimming pool with a grass bank below it .  I am not sure what you mean by permissions having to be renewed every 3 or 4 years? Or what a 'spurgo' is? I presume you mean an emptying of the tank? How do we renew the permission? Does the Comune send a reminder? Thank you for your input on this which is helpful.Dawn (VillaPineta)