Is a Declaration of Trust on a property

David Lawson Image
05/10/2017 - 12:49

Is a Declaration of Trust on a property We own in Italy acceptable to the italian Legal and Financial system?We were advised because of company law, that it was better for us to buy in our name a property that infact was bought by our wholey owned company with its money but the deeds etc are in our name. Hence the Declaration for our company that says it owns the property.



I understand, that but if We initialy bought the property for and on behalf of ur company, ( for what ever reason) can we not have a Declaration Of Ownership /Trust  (which is acceptable in Uk for Uk properties), as an acceptable document in Italian Law?

You could ask an Italian notary to draw up a document saying that that is your wish, but the property is and will remain in your names.  All a notary can do is authenticate what you say, it cant be a proof.