Buona sera e buon anno tutti!I hope

01/07/2018 - 15:33

Buona sera e buon anno tutti!I hope everyone is happy and well.I'm moving to Varese, Lombardia next month and I'm looking for Architects in the area who I might be able to contact regarding information on building regulations and planning system in Italy. Work experience would be a real bonus!I'd really appreciate any information or advice! Grazie mille!Cordiali saluti,James



Hello James,My husband who is Italian and based in the North of Italy may be able to assist you. HIs email is mwar@libero.it.Regards Liz

In reply to by beth

Dear Liz,Thank you so much for your kind message and the effort to help me - I'm really grateful!I'll be in touch with your husband shortly.Wishing you the very best,James