Hi, New to the community and see lots

BosworthSandG Image
04/08/2018 - 09:26

Hi, New to the community and see lots of really helpful answers to many questions so here goes....We have a home near Casalbordino which has been empty for a while and that leaves us with a pool that needs some attention, our Italian is not great at this stage (we are learning), can anyone recomend anyone that might be able to help us understand the scope of works needed to get our pool back up and running?Many thanks Shelley



Hi Shelley  we are also about to move near to Casalbordino, (Vilallfonsina) and will be doing quite a few renovation items, including a pool, we are using a Geometra for organising all the correct permisions for our works, like you we ae new to Italian and will be learning on the job so to speak, finding out what is allowed to do be done seems to be the key to it which a local geometra should be able to advise. Its good to share experiences good and bad on these websites, Gary 

Hi GaryGreat to hear from you, we know Villalfonsina very well, in fact our house on the outskirts! Hope your move goes well and your pool fitting is smooth, we have managed to get a couple of contacts to help us with the repairs on ours so hopefully I will be able to share great experience and contacts at some stage.Not sure if you have many contacts in the area, might be nice to stay connected as my husband and I are looking to build English contacts as well as Italian and will be back out in September. Shelley 

In reply to by BosworthSandG

Hi Shelley, we are out there this week signing for the house (and paying), back again in May with a van full and then out here full time in July, would be good to keep in touch, we also have a friend who owns a holiday home nearer Attessa who is going to introduce us to the local expats as well as his contacts for works to be done. Gary

We live in Fresagandinaria and use an interpreter to help us. She usually introduces us to the contractor and helps to explain what needs to be done etc.
If you would like her contact, let me know.
Best wishes

Hi Gary, Shelley and Ibi, this is a "group hello" :)I am glad you have got in touch you neighbours :)I live in Abruzzo as well, I can speak Ensglish fairly well and I am Italia. If you need any interpreting or translation feel free to let me know or any help with understanding legal and boureaucracy just be in touch. If I can help myself I will, otherwise I will mediate between you and good professionals who may not be able to speak English. I am also happy to just become friends as well :))) Take care and good luck :)

Hi Angelo,
Thank you for offering your services. We would love some help with some official matters.
Best regards.