Hello,My husband and I are considering

CafeMartina Image
10/14/2018 - 08:25

Hello,My husband and I are considering buying two small properties located in a village around Lake Iseo (Begamo region). One of the flats will be used mainly as our holiday home, whereas the other one will be rented out. I have the following questions and hoping this forum can help to answer:First, can anyone recommend a good trustworthy solicitor who ideally knows about the region? I had a brief chat with an Italian solicitor and was told that he would handle the price neogiation after legal search. Is this normal in Italy? He quoted me a flat fee of 2000EUR + VAT per property due to the purchase price being less than 200,000EUR. Secondly, because we are based in the UK, we will need an agents or caretaker to take care of the rental property. Does anyone know how much do they normally charge for the service? For example, in the UK an estate agents takes 10% of the rent as managment fees. Also, I unstand we will be liable for a number of taxes - IMU, Tari and Tasi. Does anyone know roughly how much this will be based on a purchase price of 60,000EUR?  Many thanks in advance! 



Not in the region, but this lady is born Italian raised in USA and works out of Percara here, speaks perfect English and Italian. A while back now, but she charged us €1800 (inc VAT) on 140000 house circa 260sqm.avvocato_mattei@hotmail.comCristina MatteiTell her Steve (Castilenti) is still getting her know if you get in Touch!No idea about service costs, but know they are hard to find...House tax is not based on the cost of the house you need to know the rendita values, but like rate value in UK, but specific to house. TARI the rubbish tax will be on sqm, use this site to calculate when you find out the values.

Hi Steve, Thanks a lot for your recommendation.I got in touch with Cristina and she quoted me 3000EUR PLUS VAT on one property 65000EUR. Did you get yours a few years back? Her fee seems to have gone up a lot...   

Martina ,in Italy (country in which the figure of the advisor, Anglo-Saxon, is completely absent), rather than a lawyer, it would be appropriate to use a real estate agent, who for his licenses, for the experience and above all for the knowledge of the real estate rules , is - in my opinion, the right figure to use - On this site, I read several times post in which lawyers were instructed who in turn suggested (after being paid, for their services), the use of additional technicians (to be paid separately), to investigate issues that - lawyers - they were not able to master, due to lack of knowledge. 

Dedicated to those looking for a home in Italyhere is an interesting link for the searchhttps://www.lavorofisco.it/osservatorio-mercato-immobiliare-in-rete-i-dati-del-1-semestre-2018.htmlJust type in the browser the address http://m.geopoi.it/php/mobileOMI/index.phpa window opens with a geolocation signalclick on oka map appears - at the top right, click on SEARCHin the opening file, write the region, or the city, or the city and the area of that city that interests youa square highlighted in green appears, click on the boxclick on residentialopens a page with the reference values, taken from the revenue agency, on the basis of the trades registered in the last 6 monthsGood hunting

Yes, eye watering increase, suspect she has far too much work these days! However it gives you something to work on/compare.Ugo is quite right of course and if you hire a solicitor I'm not too sure if it does not reduce the agents responsibility - Ugo or others may confirm. Of course one of reasons I did not mention it is the fact us Brits are infatuated with solicitors as we are being insured. Having said that it depends how good your agent is and the cost of the solicitor. At those prices I would seriously consider doing without if your agent is good (hard to know most times).

the fact to consider is that investigating in Italy is expensive, especially because we are not talking about houses in the city, and therefore the offices to turn to, certainly involve the use of cars and therefore significant time - to consider also that the price of the services, the real estate agent and the lawyer deono remove 30% of taxes on average - it is easy to understand that for a property of 65000 euros, the gain, removed expenses and taxes, becomes of little convenience - and for this reason we tend to calculate the performance from a minimum of 100,000 euro

Thanks Ugo. We are actually considering buying two properties with a combined price of 130,000 eur (before any reduction in price). But most of the solicitors quoted fees per properties, therefore we're looking at doubled cost for the both of them. If we go by pass a solictor, how do we make sure that we know what we are signing and all the legal bases are covered? Is also the estate agents responsibility to do all the searches, for example, making sure there is no other mortages on the property? What about the translation?  

in Italy, there is the figure of the Notary - which is very different from the English public Notary. The notary in Italy, is an official public, without his signature, no deed of purchase or mortgage, has legal validity - he guarantees and is responsible for all the cadastral, legal and mortgage searches that are requested.go to this link, for more information, on real estate purchases in Italy and the figure of the notaryhttps://www.notariato.it/enat end of page , you can find > HOME >  and following info for each action  

As Ugo says, the notary is responsible for making sure that the property is viable and can be sold.  With recent changes in the law you are required to sign plans of the property to show that it is as it results at the catasto.   He will do the necessary searches for debt and mortgages.    He is not responsible for stuff that he cannot know - whether the electrics are good, etc.  The seller has to declare that he is up to date with his property taxes (those weighed on the property and not the on the person)  The notary will also make sure that the property belongs to the seller and that the sale can go through. Your agent is legally responsible for telling you the truth and making sure that the house is legal.  The documentation is provided by the owner/seller, not the agent  The agent will find a translator and witness - usually, but you will pay for them.  the agent cannot legally translate stuff fora public act as it is a conflict of interest. You must know what you are signing, or the act is null. The question is not whether you have a good lawyer, but whether you choose a good notary - there are lazy ones and good ones - and a good one is worth paying a bit extra for.   In your particular case alot depends on whether the 2 apartments are part of the same building or are physically separate, whether they are two independent units with their own meters and registered as such, and if they have two owners or whether they belong to the same seller.  All of these factors can increase your costs. 

Hi,I have read your chats and I feel that you should talk with a solicitor who I came to know time ago. The name of the firm is Luxury Law (www.luxury-law.com), e-mail: info@luxury-law.com.You can call them at +39 0917486670, and ask for a first advice, I think it's free!They are well known for being expert in the Italian Country about real estate assistance to foreign clients, and whenever I suggested them I always received positive feedbacks.Let me know!

HelloI am an English speaking architect based in Milan and often work with English speaking lawyers to carryout Due Diligence on properties pre- purchase for English speaking clients. I can recommend two English speaking lawyers versed in real estate checks based in Milan and one in Liguria: PLEASE GREET THEM AND TELL THEM THAT CONOR PASSED THEIR CONTACT DETAILS TO YOU. MilanAlessandro Clemente info@clementelawfirm.com Michael Leviinfo@levidalpozzo.it  LiguriaSilvano Briozzostudiobriozzo@outlook.com