I have my maiden name on my codice

Lindsey Image
03/24/2017 - 09:25

I have my maiden name on my codice fiscale which does not tally with my passport which is in my married name. I have tried to change at the commune, they said to speak to the consulate in Rome who said to speak to the comune! I have tried to consulate in London and they said speak to the comune! My husband has had his christian name changed legally and has also tried to change his CF and has given legal documents but they will not change it. Our bank account has been closed in Italy because we do not exist. Please can someone give me some advise as to what to do. Thanks



You are in the 7th circle of bureacratic hell.    If iwere you, id just go along to the Agenzia dell?entrate with your passport and ask for a new codice fiscale- attribuzione del codice fiscale, and deny that you have ever had one before.  They will give you a new one in your married passport name, and that is all that matters.    According to Italian law you and your maiden name existence are two separate people 

Thanks so much, sound advise. The other problem is our apartment is in my married name (good) but my husbands old christian name (not good) Is this going to be easy to change with a notaio? I'm concerned because we need to either make a will or transfer to our sons, which ever is the best way of making life easy for them for the future.

need to go to consulate of your's country in Italy , and ask a certification , where is witted that you with maiden name and you with married name , are the same person . Then , go to the italian tax office ( agenzia delle entrate ) , codice fiscale office , and ask change of the actual codice fiscale - NOTE !! , do not  forget to bring all the acts of property that you have signed with your old tax code and ask the clerk office, connecting the new tax code, with these properties - otherwise, when you will need to sell or subscribe a mortgage, it turns out that they are owned by a person who has your same name, but it is not you! have a nice job .. :) 

Sorry for the delay in answering.We used an Italian solicitor in London to make the purchase and were advised by him. It was 14 years ago and I don't remember how the codice fiscale was in my maiden name, I presume from my birth certificate although I had my passport and marriage certificate with me. We registed in Perugia.

The definitive answer is over - I've done this procedure for over 8 of my clients, you can do it without me, it's extremely simple, albeit a little hard workUnfortunately, on the bureaucratic skin of foreigners who buy in Italy, live and prosper, many  " technicians" of this sector, who, of course, say - without ever coming down from their pedestal of saccentors to dirty their hands in Italian offices -Here you can contact some of my customers who will tell you what it means to dirty your hands :) http://www.lifeinitaly.it/Testimonial/index.php  

The consulate have told me they do not make appointments to do this and have said I will need a bi-lingual notary to complete this certification. I have also tried the Italian consulate in London who suggested a Certificato di Congruita Anagrafica and to tell them it is impossible to pay my bills.Should I have the documents translated into English and then take them to a notary for certification and then the Agenzia with notorised and translated documents? We are travelling to Italy on 21st and I would like to solve this when I am there.Thanks again for any helpLindsey

Lindsay , mailme an email address to < http://www.lifeinitaly.it./Form/Modulo_ugo.htm    > - i send you the last certification issued from  a  consulate in rome , for that ..

Ugo has been amazing, I am extremely grateful for his helpI must apply to the passport office in the UK for confirmation of my passport history and hopefully take this to the consulate for their confirmation.Will update when complete.

Hi Ugo - I have the same problem. My codice fiscale is in my maiden name. My husband and I were in Italy last week and went to the Agenzia dell'Entrate, but (after many attempts) they told me that they couldn't seem to change the name on my codice fiscale, or give me a new codice fiscale. They told me that I need to go to the consulate, but it sounds like that won't help.  Do you have any suggestions?  We are planning to complete the purchase of an apartment in Bologna in a month. 

You DO NOT can to change the CF to the consulate - but you has to change PASSPORT - placing in it Yours Maiden Name - then , with this , you can start the procedure , to an italian tax office - to have another codice fiscale , with maiden name - and maybe -make connections beetwin the new - and the old - CF -if with the Old you own some propertyes or , open , bank account - in Italy -For Uk citizens - Passport name changement , you can ask tohttps://www.gov.uk/changing-passport-information

Nikky ,è bene entrare nella modalità di pensiero dell ufficio italiano delle tasse  ,maria rossi, nata a Roma il 3 ottobre 1987emaria guglielmi ( = rossi che ha preso il nome del marito ) , nata a Roma il 3 ottobre 1987anche se hanno i medesimi genitoriPER L UFFICIO TASSE SONO DUE PERSONE DIVERSE !!il codice fiscale viene emesso con i dati che sono scritti sul passaporto -perciò per cambiare il codice fiscale , è necessario cambiare l'origine dei dati , nel tuo caso il passaporto--it is good to enter the way of thinking of Italy tax,maria rossi, born in Rome on 3 October 1987and maria guglielmi (= red who took the name of her husband), born in Rome on 3 October 1987even if they have the same parentsFOR THE OFFICE TAXES ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE !!the tax code is issued with the data that is written in the passport -therefore to change the tax code, it is necessary to change the origin of the data, in your case the passport --

I always recommend, to all my clients, woman, to take the tax code, with the girl's surname - there are several reasons - but the first that comes to mind is -- if you buy a house, along with your current husband, and then divorce, your passport, after the divorce, will bring back your girl's surname - but you have bought with the married surname - so you can not sell, your half of the house , or even the whole house, in agreement with the ex-husband - because that house was bought by another woman - who has the surname, passport and tax code, different from you