We are considering renting our home

03/01/2019 - 14:13

We are considering renting our home during the summer months.  What is or is there a procedure to be followed in renting.  How difficult is it to register your home for this purpose?  Is it necessary to register the home?How much tax would need to be paid (percentage)?  Would the benefits of renting outweigh the financial taxable burden of renting???  Not quite sure how to proceed.Grazie


vedi qui > https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/wps/wcm/connect/f4eea9004bb1ef709470f5d94f8d55f4/annuario.online.Parte+II.def_1502.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=f4eea9004bb1ef709470f5d94f8d55f4 il punto 3Ugo

Hi, I would suggest to walk up to a real estate agency and ask them what you need to do. The paper work is best done by a professional. Negotiate a reasonable fee with the agency if you agree to work with them. Best of luck!

Alot of estate agencies no longer do holiday rentals.  The new law of September 2017 requires them to pay the owners tax at the moment of booking, which makes it wholly uneconomical.   As far as renting goes, it depends where you live.  To register with the comune as an official holiday home, you will almost certainly have to have a certificate of agibilità for your home.  The local tourist office (for your province) will also have a list of everything you need to provide.If you let as a private home and not an official one, then the list is shorter, but you will have to pay the tassa di soggiorno (if your comune has one).  You will have to notify the police within 24 hours of your guests arriving, and pay tax on all your income from letting - and here you can pay at your normal tax rate or at a cedolare secca of 20%.  Renting out a house is a business and not an easy way to make big bucks.   You need someone on the ground to meet and greet and be on hand for problems, and who speaks the guests language.  Cleaning, laundry, services, all need to be sorted.  If you're not in the country then you need to find a property manager who will do all of this.   

We rented our mill out a few years ago. It's marginal the money you may make, but we were happy to have the place occupied when we were not there. You pay for - (if lettings are less than 30 consecutive days periods)- approx costs 2017online agency registration (Homeaway.co.uk or AirBNB etc )Cleaner, gardener, handiman (when necessary) meet and greeter. - €40 pwAnnual decoration costs ( we did it each spring)House insurance - for letting - get quoteTax - 23% approx on earnings received.  Patronata €120 (to calculate tax due - cheaper than commercialista) also calculates IMU tax due.Gas, Elec and water services + phone/internet access + logs for evenings sometimes. - €35 pw approxreplacements and breakages. House maintenance costs eg roof repairs, elec cut outs etc.register and keep records etc.hope that helps a little. Marginal profit made which goes towards the upkeep.Good luck!

Good afternoon.  Regardng house insurance-for letting.  Is it possible to get such insurance for an airbnb property?  I haven't gotten very many straightforward answers and I have heard the insurance companies find a lot of ways to deny paying out.  I am mostly concerned about personal liability.  If you did get insurance for renting could you tell me who you went through?  I am in Lucca but am interested either wayThank you!!!

Patronata - Forgot to say, a useful assistance on all things tax etc is the local Patronata. We were advised by a local ex pat about this service. It is like a citizens advice bureau but with in house accountants and specialists who can work out your taxes and IMU charges. Check your nearest office in pagine gialli or ask locals. They charge around €60-100 for working out youir tax etc. 

Thanks for the response.  It seems to be quite a lot of work, but as you say it is nice to have the property occupied - although it would only be for July and August.  It is not so much the tax that puts me off but having to register each guest with the police, etc.  Sounds a bit impractical.  

Thanks for the response.  It seems to be quite a lot of work, but as you say it is nice to have the property occupied - although it would only be for July and August.  It is not so much the tax that puts me off but having to register each guest with the police, etc.  Sounds a bit impractical.  

Lisa ,The communication to the police Office, serves to check that your customers are not affiliated with the ISIS , or similar organization , mask by tourists of the Sunday .More , it is good to know that if it happens some damage to your home, during the period when it is occupied by people who do not  have been declared to the police, or, also, it happens some damage to themselves, no italian insurance protection for damage to the house or for damage to the occupants, will pay, never a penny.