Has anyone else had a problem getting

williamjohnchambers@gmail.com Image
09/26/2018 - 04:37

Has anyone else had a problem getting rid of an ipoteca? When trying to sell our house in Puglia we discovered we owed a considerable amount of tax dating back 12 years to the original purchase. After several visits to the offices of the Agencia Entrate and the help of a friendly accountant we succeeded in paying our outstanding debt but are struggling to get the ipoteca cancelled. As a result our sale fell through. Any advice?



Its quite common that they forget to press the cancel button. You need to just keep asking them to do it - or get the notary to ask for you. Ive gone to the wire on a few occasions, where it is cancelled the day before the sale even though the amount was paid long ago.

Hi William you might be able to resolve it by contacting directly the Conservatoria dei Reigistri Immobiliari (which is an office of the Agencia delle Entrate in your province).You will surely find out why it has not been cancelled and how you can do it, so to have everything clear and tidy before you try to sell again. Take care. Angelo

bank , standardly do not  cancel the mortgage inscription , yet the notary of the buyer can to do this , easy , is only necesary provide to him , the bank pay off receipt - expenses about 300-euro