Hello, We are planning a wedding

AudreyL Image
02/13/2018 - 00:19

Hello, We are planning a wedding at The Church of Saint Anne in the Vatican known as Sant'Anna de' Parafrenieri coming May 2018. The church has informed us that they have no English speaking celebrant. Can anyone please help with can is the best option?



Assumnig that you are getting marrried in the church, and not just having a blessing then you need to find a) an English speaking celebrant, or b) ascertain whether the Church will allow an official translator to translate the priests words.     There is bound to be an English speaking priest somewhere in Rome who will be willing to officiate - have you tried contacting the Vatican directly?

Hello, Thank you so much for your advice. Yes, I have reached out to a few churches and colleges but nearly all come back saying they help on couples who are getting married in their church. I have now written back to St. Anna to ask if they would allow an interpreter. or can advice for a priest. The language barrier makes it so much more difficult. But lets hope we get this sorted soon !!! Thank you once again 

In reply to by alan h

Thank you. I believe they help for only symbolic weddings. We are looking for a Catholic priest who will celebrate the wedding inside the church. Thou, thank you for taking time to share your thoughts.

Hi. Congratulations I would only wonder how beautiful your wedding would have been in Tuscany. I believe the link again is for symbolic/outdoor weddings. I maybe wrong . But, we are looking for a Catholic priest who will celebrate the wedding inside the church, so we are trying to ask if we can bring along an interpreter. Thank you :)

Hello! My boyfriend and I want to get married in the same Church this October. We would love to have a spanish speaking celebrant but we are wondering if you could find an English speaking one. Was it possible?

Hello Alicia, Yes, eventually we got assitance from a friend in Melbourne who was kind enough to help us contact a priest who coincidently happened to be attending a conference in Vatican that week. To be honest, it was really a struggle as it was all done via text and just one meeting in Rome 2 days before the wedding. But, I wrote to  ​Venerabile Collegio Inglese aswell who offered some guidance. The Irish colleague was kind enough to tell me that they offer English speaking priest only to wedding in their church. I believe the best route is to speak to your local Bishop, Priest to use their network in Rome and help connect the dots. :)

Please fax Rev. Father Ramon and give a fax number to reach you. Sorry they don’t do emails or always pick calls  To, Rev. Father Bruno SilvettiPontificia Parrocchia Sant'Anna in Vaticano Via Sant'Anna00120 Città del VaticanoTel: +39 (0) 669883265Fax: +39 (0) 669883974

Hi Audrey -First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding! I too, was married in Rome back in 2016 and I was in the same position you are in. While daunting at first, trust me it will be well worth the trouble!!!I’m from New York, are you coming from the States as well? Feel free to send me a private message, and I can give you the contacts of whom I contacted to have an English speaking priest. 

In reply to by nrivrazz

Hi! My fiancé and I would like to get married in April and I was wondering if you would be so kind to provide information regarding how you contacted the church and what wedding reception venue you used. We are planning on having a small wedding, but any suggestions and informatio, would be greatly apprecaited. Thank you so much for your time. Best Regards!

In reply to by nrivrazz

Hi There! I will be getting married in Lanuvio, Italy (about an hour from Rome) in June 2020 and I'm still looking for an English speaking priest. Would you mind sending me your contacts please?




Hi Audrey,I hope you found your English interpreter for your wedding at St. Anne Church. I am planning to have my wedding there too next year. Please let me know the details. Your response would be greatly appreciated.Fele 

In reply to by Fele

Hi Fele,We are also planning our wedding-- do you have any thoughts on where you and your party will stay and where your reception will take place?Thank you,Kristin 

In reply to by Fele

Well we did a lot of inquiries and found a English speaking priest. It was very very hard . I do believe they do not allow interpreters ... it’s either Latin by them or You find an English priest. 

Hi Audrey!How was your wedding at St. Anne's?  I was wondering if you'd also mind sharing where you stayed and where you had your reception??  We are planning our wedding for June of next year in the same chapel.Thank you for any and all advice.  And for anyone else that comes across this, if you have a place in mind for a reception, please share...Kristin

In reply to by Kristin

Hi! I’m also planning a wedding and want to have it at st. Anne’s. May I ask how you contacted the church to begin scheduling? Please let me know. Thank you! 

In reply to by Kristin

Sure. Happy to help. We rented an Airbnb just opposite the church in lane. So I could walk in my dress just about 150 meters and we didn’t have a big reception but a wonderful buffet lunch at Hotel Forum where you get nice 360 degree view of all the monuments 

Hello ladies,I am planning an intimate wedding as well next summer in Saint Ann, Italy. I am coming from the US and would like to know how to register our wedding in Saint Ann and have an English priest to officiate the mass. I hope you could pm me for info and reception/catering details. Is hiring a wedding planner affordable or worth it? Thank you.

In reply to by clsparkle

Sure Please fax Rev. Father Ramon and give a fax number to reach you. Sorry they don’t do emails or always pick calls  To, Rev. Father Bruno SilvettiPontificia Parrocchia Sant'Anna in Vaticano Via Sant'Anna00120 Città del VaticanoTel: +39 (0) 669883265Fax: +39 (0) 669883974 we stayed in. 4 bedroom Airbnb opposite st Anna.  We did did a family lunch for 10 at Hotel Forum which is a beautiful 360 view roof top 

I hope all you ladies have a wonderful wedding and create beautiful memories. I’m sorry it’s taken a while for me answer to all of your comments. I hope I’ve replied to each of you. If not please don’t hesitate to ask me