We have a holiday home in Triora

Mike and Pat Image
07/31/2019 - 07:39

We have a holiday home in Triora Western Liguria, which we rent out in the summer months. The Ligurian authorities now require us to register for this and obtain a CITRA code to continue advertising the property. As our Italian is limited we are struggling to achieve this. Is there anyone out there that can help, we are obviously prepared to pay for the service. Mike & Pat



click here


and use google traslator , to read the request ,

then fill the form

it's easy

In reply to by Ugo

Hi, that’s exactly what we tried to do and failed. After filling in all of part one we press the save data button and it says the email entered is not valid. It is our valid email address that we have used for the last 10 years! We emailed the local office in Imperia and the reply just sent us back to the same online form. 

write to one of the email addres at the following link and explain the problem -i try to call at   010 - 65451 , and receive registered voice - occupato = busy linehttps://www.liguriadigitale.it/chi-siamo/contatti.htmlNOTE > not use .... @pec.liguriadigitale.itbecause this address receive mail ONLY from other @pec... mail

Make sure there are no spaces in the email entered, or "+" signs. It may also be that they are blocking "." (dot) which many use. If gmail, you can leave the dot out and it will still get to you. At a push create a new email just for this such as "NameMyItalyEmail@gmail.com". I've used several emails for some years now and always have a "dump" email address for companies I don't know, trust or will only ever use once...